Capt. Clueless
New member
Next March (2016) we are having our Snapdragon 23 lift keel, transported from Woodbridge to Ullswater, where it will seasonally live on swinging moorings and over winter at the campsite. We would like to find a responsible someone local, who has good sailing exp or member of the yacht club or RYA cert or other provable exp, but doesn't maybe have their own boat. Basically the deal would be to key hold on our behalf, release the keys to friends or family of ours on occasions and generally just keep an eye on it. In return you will have full & free use of her to sail whenever she is not in use, which would be extremely frequent. We live in Bury st Edmunds. If you reckon you would like to chat about this opportunity of benefit to both of us, please PM me or leave a reply. Cheers, Phil.