I have a 2.5 L 4 cylinder Diesel fitted to my boat. It only has 1 heater plug in the inlet manifold. Can anyone tell me what year this is or what it came out of.
It's in a Nauticus 27' I think it is a transit all right but want to narrow it down so as I can get a manual for it. It is an old one all right. When did ford bring out the 2.5?
Get a picture posted up for a certain identification
From your description though, it sounds like the Ford DI engine or Ford York, both around 2.5 litres.
It wouldn't be a 4D, there quite a bit bigger than 2.5 litres! The other smaller ford diesels have one glowplug per pot. The sea panther had no glow plugs at all. I'd say its most likeley to be the 2.4litre York Engine.
Sorry I was missing for a few days. Turns out it is a york. Now the sad news. Last sunday it lost oil pressure. Turned out to be a blocked oil filter. I should have changed it when I bought the boat in march, but the guy said all should be well till next year!!??
I changed the filter and it started up, but it is very noisiy. If I was to change the engine, what would you guys suggest I put in it's place??
2.5 DI shopuld go straight in, but go for the one with the big injectors, the pencil injector type are a bit noisy.
alternatively, pull the york out and bang a set of shells in it.. cheap and easy, you probably won't have to do anything to the crank, but an inspection first will identify any obvious problems.