For whom the clock is running.

Mr Cassandra

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5 Nov 2001
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And that's the response I expected. You don't like the message so exclude the messenger. :censored:

BTW, who died and put you in charge of the forum?

If you continue to write such condescending posts as you wrote to me earlier,did you really expect a charming response .

If being a busybody is your idea of putting you head above the parapet so be it.

I live on a boat 365 days a year in Greece ,
I first came to Greece 1996 .
I first joined YBW in 1998 .

The fact of the matter is with Greek system it's exceeding difficult to get a 5 year residency permit if living on a boat.
I have an Aliens bureau 500 metres from me in Lavrio.
I have visited the aliens bureau in Petro ralli Athens ..... Senior officials have tried to help me and other in similar positions .
There was two people in Crete that did manage to obtain residency living on a boat ,but the Police tell me this isn't correct under present Greek law .

You and others commentating on this Livaboard thread, live in houses .
That is a completely different circumstance to mine and people living on their yachts


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29 Jul 2007
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Do you miss the point purposely.
I live full time on my yacht for 3 years ,I have a Cosmote phone internet contract. Greek tax number from 2001 Poros .Greek motorbike on Aigena
I can't register with the Aliens bureau , because in their beaurcratic system I am a gypsy without a property . another thing , as I am fortunate to have a high income ,I do not really want to be a Greek citizen.

Have you missed the point. Instead of moaning about bureaucracy have you even tried to fill in the online form for a temporary AMKA, I'm sure you can muster up enough information and imagination to fill in the boxes. Once you have lodged the request you will then get an acceptation number, from then on it should all be done by SMS. You don't have to be a Greek citizen, that's why it's called a temporary!!
Strange, If you own a motorbike as you say, no way can this be legally yours and on the road without a residency card of some description, temporary or biometric.
It's not bureaucracy, it's Greek rules. If you was in the UK in the same scenario you would be classed as no fixed abode and would face the same issues. You as many others fly knowingly under the parapet and when it catches up with you moan about it. Those that have left Greece were here because it was one of the last places in the EU that was cheap and free. Well things have changed by people you like to think as under educated and under achievers, but don't just blame the Greeks, blame the EU as they are the driving force in bureaucratic protectionism.


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26 Jan 2004
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Funny I had the same thing happen to me , but I quite enjoyed it she was a very pretty nun , actually I went back the following week for another go but by then she was transferred.


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26 Jan 2004
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Have you missed the point. Instead of moaning about bureaucracy have you even tried to fill in the online form for a temporary AMKA, I'm sure you can muster up enough information and imagination to fill in the boxes. Once you have lodged the request you will then get an acceptation number, from then on it should all be done by SMS. You don't have to be a Greek citizen, that's why it's called a temporary!!
Strange, If you own a motorbike as you say, no way can this be legally yours and on the road without a residency card of some description, temporary or biometric.
It's not bureaucracy, it's Greek rules. If you was in the UK in the same scenario you would be classed as no fixed abode and would face the same issues. You as many others fly knowingly under the parapet and when it catches up with you moan about it. Those that have left Greece were here because it was one of the last places in the EU that was cheap and free. Well things have changed by people you like to think as under educated and under achievers, but don't just blame the Greeks, blame the EU as they are the driving force in bureaucratic protectionism.
GG unless you have experience of cruising in other places in the EU please don't make false statement and get people,e to belive Greece is the last place in the EU where its cheap to cruise , it 100% untrue and all you and others like you are doing is mis leading other people, for sure your not helping
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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I have to say it really get me cross when people talk out of their ass .
We are supposed to give good info to others to help them decide what is best for them , not bias base on living in one spot in one country with no experience of any other country and I say this because when people start sprouting stuff that really is crap it can only mean one thing and one thing only , they not got any experience.
Rant over


Well-known member
22 Oct 2005
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I am guilty of moaning big time but doing nothing about it. It is frustrating because there is absolutely nothing I can do about my complaints. Except leave. Vic is right in that there are many people who basically like it here but find the problems very disturbing. For me it is not financial it is the feeling about what freedom is all about . The restrictions on freedom in Greece is getting worse. It may be the same elsewhere, if so I will moan there also. What else can one man do?

This is not the place to go into details but realise this. We, who are British, belong to a country that refuses ID cards, it is not necessary to register our boats, we do not need a legal document of competance, etc. It is our culture to value freedom. Imagine the outcry in UK if we were told to take a piece of paper to some government building to have it logged and stamped every time we moved somewhere. The only outcry that would eclipse that, is if we had to jump through hoops to actually get that piece of paper.

I don't blame Greece, I blame the EU that I "FEEL" encourages such control. That is why when I eventually leave Greece I will keep moving until I am clear of this Gulag.


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29 Jul 2007
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I think the answer to all tho question is yes GG,
Bob been about in Greece for quite a lot of years , probably why he dragging his heels in leaving , as he really rather not leave ,
bit like me I rather had not given up on Greece we do miss a sailing season now and then, even if its just part of a season.
but there was no way I was going to get ripped off with the way they set their cruising tax chargers .
I'm a man of my word , I said three/four years I think I can't even remember its been so lone, if there interduce tho stupid charges I leave and won't come back till they reduce them and I won't.
A season cruising tax for us pays for a winter marina,
plus when there so many lovely places to sail in Europe why pay to be ripped off,
I would have to be a mug Or got more money then sense.

Basically it doesn't matter how long you have been in Greece, it doesn't matter a jot.
GG unless you have experience of cruising in other places in the EU please don't make false statement and get people,e to belive Greece is the last place in the EU where its cheap to cruise , it 100% untrue and all you and others like you are doing is mis leading other people, for sure your not help .

How about Spain, Italy, Croatia, Corsica and Greece and I an not trying to mis-lead anyone. I used to be a liveaboard and still have a yacht but none of those places I cruised were anywhere near as cheap and as free as Greece which my friend is 100% true. I'm a Yorkshireman and we are known for being careful but I can't believe how many tight arsed moaners are out there, especially when bragging about the wealth in their boats and how big their pensions and earnings are . . . . .in makes no difference to the criteria.

Mr Cassandra

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5 Nov 2001
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Have you missed the point. Instead of moaning about bureaucracy have you even tried to fill in the online form for a temporary AMKA, I'm sure you can muster up enough information and imagination to fill in the boxes. Once you have lodged the request you will then get an acceptation number, from then on it should all be done by SMS. You don't have to be a Greek citizen, that's why it's called a temporary!!
Strange, If you own a motorbike as you say, no way can this be legally yours and on the road without a residency card of some description, temporary or biometric.
It's not bureaucracy, it's Greek rules. If you was in the UK in the same scenario you would be classed as no fixed abode and would face the same issues. You as many others fly knowingly under the parapet and when it catches up with you moan about it. Those that have left Greece were here because it was one of the last places in the EU that was cheap and free. Well things have changed by people you like to think as under educated and under achievers, but don't just blame the Greeks, blame the EU as they are the driving force in bureaucratic protectionism.
Greek tax number issued 2001 Poros.
Lets me own a Moto bike

Mr Cassandra

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5 Nov 2001
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Basically it doesn't matter how long you have been in Greece, it doesn't matter a jot.

How about Spain, Italy, Croatia, Corsica and Greece and I an not trying to mis-lead anyone. I used to be a liveaboard and still have a yacht but none of those places I cruised were anywhere near as cheap and as free as Greece which my friend is 100% true. I'm a Yorkshireman and we are known for being careful but I can't believe how many tight arsed moaners are out there, especially when bragging about the wealth in their boats and how big their pensions and earnings are . . . . .in makes no difference to the criteria.
Tell us about the cheap passerelle you had made on Aegina ...
People left the island because of your constant moaning ...


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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Basically it doesn't matter how long you have been in Greece, it doesn't matter a jot.

How about Spain, Italy, Croatia, Corsica and Greece and I an not trying to mis-lead anyone. I used to be a liveaboard and still have a yacht but none of those places I cruised were anywhere near as cheap and as free as Greece which my friend is 100% true. I'm a Yorkshireman and we are known for being careful but I can't believe how many tight arsed moaners are out there, especially when bragging about the wealth in their boats and how big their pensions and earnings are . . . . .in makes no difference to the criteria.
Again totally miss leading and false, just goes to show how out of touch you are , a year cruising tax in Greece
Greece compared to the same one in Croatia, Croatia wins hand down I not worked out this year but last year it would had been half the price for boats over 12 mts
Italy , Spain, Corsica and I add France to that cost you Zero to visit and sail ,
The cost of fuel in some of these country's are much less then Greece , where can you get fuel last year in Greece for €1.2 a lt , where in Greece in Greece can you get an Haul out for 90€ a lift in Greece in a marina not some back street yard with a doggie sledge which we got in the SOF and again some months later in Sardina .
I could go on but really you and if this upset you , so be it , but you have no idea what your talking about .
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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adding to my last posting .
YES of course it make a different how long RTBOSS1 been in Greece or anyone else, it show they have experience of that country .
I rather belive info from some who as experience in any said country then someone who just Google stuff up and spout it out again , if I had to ask for advise.
Sorry guy of all the editing but I got so excited I had to go back and correct all the spelling mistakes:)


Well-known member
29 Jul 2007
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Greek tax number issued 2001 Poros.
Lets me own a Moto bike

No it absolutely does not, not before we left the EU and especially since leaving. The only way it could be done was by signing an affidavit saying you would not exceed a 3 month period in Greece otherwise my friend you are illegal.
Soon you will be even more illegal if you retain your UK driving licence instead of changing a Greek licence to ride said motorbike. This applies to any EU State by EU rules so please don't knock the Greeks again.


Well-known member
29 Jul 2007
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Again totally miss leading and false, just goes to show how out of touch you are , a year cruising tax in Greece
Greece compared to the same one in Croatia, Croatia wins hand down I not worked out this year but last year it would had been half the price for boats over 12 mts
Italy , Spain, Corsica and I add France to that cost you Zero to visit and sail ,
The cost of fuel in some of these country's are much less then Greece , where can you get fuel last year in Greece for €1.2 a lt , where in Greece in Greece can you get an Haul out for 90€ a lift in Greece in a marina not some back street yard with a doggie sledge which we got in the SOF and again some months later in Sardina .
I could go on but really you and if this upset you , so be it , but you have no idea what your talking about .

You won't upset me you *******. But seriously, you will quite probably find the odd good deal but generally I stand on my comments except for the newish Greek cruising tax which I do pay because I choose to contribute to my host country plus it's a legal obligation I have to and do without moaning.
We all know your stance on this issue and you are quite free, big enough and ugly enough to make your own choices. In doing so you have probably gone to many great places you may not have attempted to go to before you left Greek waters.
I don't agree with a lot of what Greece has done but it is their country to do as they please, the same as it's your choice to leave.

Mr Cassandra

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5 Nov 2001
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Have you missed the point. Instead of moaning about bureaucracy have you even tried to fill in the online form for a temporary AMKA, I'm sure you can muster up enough information and imagination to fill in the boxes. Once you have lodged the request you will then get an acceptation number, from then on it should all be done by SMS. You don't have to be a Greek citizen, that's why it's called a temporary!!
Strange, If you own a motorbike as you say, no way can this be legally yours and on the road without a residency card of some description, temporary or biometric.
It's not bureaucracy, it's Greek rules. If you was in the UK in the same scenario you would be classed as no fixed abode and would face the same issues. You as many others fly knowingly under the parapet and when it catches up with you moan about it. Those that have left Greece were here because it was one of the last places in the EU that was cheap and free. Well things have changed by people you like to think as under educated and under achievers, but don't just blame the Greeks, blame the EU as they are the driving force in bureaucratic protectionism.
Please do not comment on my cercumstance
No it absolutely does not, not before we left the EU and especially since leaving. The only way it could be done was by signing an affidavit saying you would not exceed a 3 month period in Greece otherwise my friend you are illegal.
Soon you will be even more illegal if you retain your UK driving licence instead of changing a Greek licence to ride said motorbike. This applies to any EU State by EU rules so please don't knock the Greeks again.
To be fair I really don't give a dam, I have a Chinese Greek motorbike . At the time I had to apply for a tax number .on the front in Poros by the little museum.
Every year I have to pay for plates every 5 years ? it goes to Athens for a test .
I also pay insurance for it ..
So if I am illegal it's another anomalty.

Mr Cassandra

Well-known member
5 Nov 2001
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Funny I had the same thing happen to me , but I quite enjoyed it she was a very pretty nun , actually I went back the following week for another go but by then she was transferred.
Mine was the Bishop of Llandaff .
John Morris's boss at the time I believe? also caught it a public toilet with an underage boy .
Commited suicide I think.?
A nun thats special ,!!!!you always win in this one upmanship Vic . Bravo ?


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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You won't upset me you *******. But seriously, you will quite probably find the odd good deal but generally I stand on my comments except for the newish Greek cruising tax which I do pay because I choose to contribute to my host country plus it's a legal obligation I have to and do without moaning.
We all know your stance on this issue and you are quite free, big enough and ugly enough to make your own choices. In doing so you have probably gone to many great places you may not have attempted to go to before you left Greek waters.
I don't agree with a lot of what Greece has done but it is their country to do as they please, the same as it's your choice to leave.
GG honestly it not the odd deal that we found , you obviously dont know us or thats the last thing you would had said.
Greece is no cheaper then most other country's and more expensive then others ,
you live in Greece and you want to contribute and thats fine , I dont think anyone has a problem with that,
Some cruiser /liveaboard seen to get it in their head that Greece is the only place you can cruise that has free anchorage mostly because of what they read on forum thats not true now or in times gone by
Croatia and Turkey are just if not better then Greece and both of them country once you pay what ever fees your left alone unlike Greece with it PP bothering you ever five min ,
How many time we read Italy there no where to anchor and how expensive marinas are , I agree marinas are expensive to use in the summer months , by try and use a marina in Greece in the summer Kos, lefkas,Athens or Corfu I lay money there no much different if any ,
As for anchoring tho who know us personlly here and on the cruising Scene will know all we do is anchor, if it wasn't possible to anchor freely we wouldn't had spend the last three years doing the same rounds, Sicily,West Coast of Italy, South France,Corsica, Sardinia, Malta .
In the early days all us cruiser had for info was pilot books and word of mouth from people we met , we never had up to day charts but copy's we use to share with each ours and we managed , now people have the WWW all the cruising site , forum to help them so when I read comment of people say as an example there no where safe to anchor in Italy my thoughts are they havent got the skills needed to cruise And best to find another way of life.
If you read the forum here its the same hand full of people who go on and on about Greece and the fact is some arrived in Greece and brought their boats there other have rushed across Europe not taken any time to explore other country's and others once arrived spend every season leaving their winter marina or yard then spend every summer going to the same island mostly because its the only way they feel safe .
Tell me have you moved from Poros in the last three years any further then say 100 miles ?


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4 Jan 2020
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If your boat is ashore in Greece then it's 'out of use'. It's my understanding that this stops the clock on the 18 month transit log. You won't need to worry until you put her back in the water again.

BTW. I keep reading about the 'shambles' in the EU's vaccine rollout. Here on Crete at least it's all going well. We get notified automatically with our two vaccine dates (which we can change online). I had my first (Pfizer) dose on 6th April and SWMBO had her first (AZ) on 12th April. I'm 69 and SWMBO is 68. That's not bad going I think. The platform for the 60-65 age group has already opened here too.
You are lucky here in Murcia Spain the 81 year old's are just getting their jabs.


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26 Jan 2004
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You are lucky here in Murcia Spain the 81 year old's are just getting their jabs.
My partner got hers yesterday in Sicily i got mind some weeks back we both got the AZ .
Crete is a small island and so is Sicily which is why probably out sides are managing to get it quicker then mainland Europe.