I have a small mis aligment between engine and prop shaft (ie 1 deg) does anyone have experience of a flexible coupling like the vetus bullflex 1 ? Are then any good ?
When we install the Beta in the Vega I usually use the Centaflex Type 12. Also sold by Vetus. This allows up to two degrees of misalignment but at about one metre shaft length that gives a misalignment of 25mm at the other end ! Can you not re-align the engine? Best to get the installation right rather than mask the affects...
I made my own version of the Halyard Marine coupling 'cause I couldn't afford one. It uses a rubber "doughnut" coupling at each end from Centaflex and a short shaft (about 6") in between. It works fine on my 12hp single cylinder and completely transformed the boat from a vibration & harshness point of view. That was the main reason for doing it but a useful spin-off is that I don't have to worry as much about alignment now. Before I fitted it, the stuffing box mounting bolts were wearing oval holes in the plywood bulkhead it was bolted to as a result of the engine hopping about!