Well-known member
That's pretty clever!Have a look at this
Clic & Fill - Navy Clic EN
I don't have one and think yours might be one of the very few occasions it could be useful.
Our deck filler is almost flush with the deck, so a fitting like that would be useful anyway.
At some point I will replace the deck filler cap and build up a little plinth for it.
We've spent the last two years collecting rainwater in jerry cans. At first, it was kind of fun to spend an hour swapping over cans and marvelling at how fast they would fill up. But I'm a bit over that now and just want to be able to stay down below and watch the tank full upFwiw we collected water in buckets and jerricans, then transferred it into one of the main tanks through a simple gauze filter. Always used only the same tank (of three).
Also, we are not on the boat 24/7 and it's frustrating to be caught out ashore in a downpour knowing that all we're getting is 25l, and that's if we remembered to hook up an empty can before we left.