Facebook - and other social media platforms


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15 Aug 2006
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Most folk I know are still shocked to find that I have never used facebook or twitter - and the more I hear about both the less inclined I am to ever sign up - however - there do seem to be constant references to useful groups in facebook.

Is it really worth signing up to?

What can these platforms offer that you can't get here?


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26 Jun 2013
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Facebook is very useful resource for cruising, sign up no personal details whatsoever if you want. Lots local groups , ad hoc groups if you want for a cruise in company, see where the others you've met along the way end up. Free, and no downsides, seems silly not to use it.


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16 Mar 2016
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Facebook is evil incarnate. It is directly responsible for the current political climate and much of the craziness out there. It's not alone, a well known example is the Flat Earther movement that You Tube created. If you have not already done so, I implore everyone to watch the documentary "The Social Dilemma" which explains how this has happened. I have to admit that, as an industry insider, I have always understood how dangerous it was but hadn't realised how bad it had got until I watched this.

I recently came off WhatsApp due to Facebook taking over.


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15 Aug 2006
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Facebook is evil incarnate. It is directly responsible for the current political climate and much of the craziness out there. It's not alone, a well known example is the Flat Earther movement that You Tube created. If you have not already done so, I implore everyone to watch the documentary "The Social Dilemma" which explains how this has happened. I have to admit that, as an industry insider, I have always understood how dangerous it was but hadn't realised how bad it had got until I watched this.

I recently came off WhatsApp due to Facebook taking over.
OK then.

So that would be a 'no' from you?

That it maybe evil incarnate I'll leave to a thread about philosophy and technology, what I want to know is, does it have any utility for a liveaboard sailor?

As I've never used it, I don't know what I don't know. Seems like a lot of folk use it and so I wanted to check.


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16 Mar 2016
The Firth of Clyde
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OK then.

So that would be a 'no' from you?

That it maybe evil incarnate I'll leave to a thread about philosophy and technology, what I want to know is, does it have any utility for a liveaboard sailor?

As I've never used it, I don't know what I don't know. Seems like a lot of folk use it and so I wanted to check.

:) Sorry about that


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16 May 2001
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I use facebook as there is some useful information there that I cannot get anywhere else. For example there are facebook groups for my sons' schools and when they are away of school trips updates and pictures are posted there (and nowhere else). I don't think I have ever actually posted anything on facebook.

Also use WhatsApp (a) for the same reason and (b) it is actually better for 1-1 conversations than Text messages


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2 Dec 2018
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Most folk I know are still shocked to find that I have never used facebook or twitter - and the more I hear about both the less inclined I am to ever sign up - however - there do seem to be constant references to useful groups in facebook.

Is it really worth signing up to?

What can these platforms offer that you can't get here?
as my reply re other thread,,, bitter sweet , be careful , use selectively and be sparing with personal info ,,, but lots of useful information is available , and the for sale can turn up a few things . ( no need to get bogged down in all the trivia )


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16 Mar 2016
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Apologies for my outburst, it is subject of great concern.

If you must access Facebook, I strongly recommend you use Firefox with it’s special Facebook container. It will protect you and your device against a large proportion of Facebook’s virus like behaviour.


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15 Aug 2006
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Apologies for my outburst, it is subject of great concern.

If you must access Facebook, I strongly recommend you use Firefox with it’s special Facebook container. It will protect you and your device against a large proportion of Facebook’s virus like behaviour.


Well-known member
24 Apr 2012
Aldeburgh, Suffolk. River Alde
OK then.

what I want to know is, does it have any utility for a liveaboard sailor?
I have the following groups on my Facebook: Tiny Liveaboards (Less than 33feet!), Single handed Sailing, Yachts and Yachty bits for sale (Europe), Sailing on a Shoestring, Leisure Owners Association, Volvo Penta Marine Diesel Engine Owners, Cooking On A Boat/Recipe Sharing.
All quite useful I am sure. If you don't like a post just move on or delete the group.
Perhaps one drawback to some groups is that they may be American based which may be relevant or not.
Locally we have a Town Chit Chat Group which is very informative especially as we are are not mixing much. Also lost items/dogs and cats etc.
I also have three work related groups which have been very educational and has led to good discussions.
Personally I have never had any problems with Facebook. I have had problems with a few people, racist abusive strange etc, but its a simple click to remove them or keep them out. I also keep up with friends and family who are living all over the world. Great fun.

I have been using the internet since its early development, I use Facebook, WhatsApp and email. I am easily traced as I live in a small seaside town, advertise my specialist skill extensively (including my landline number) and have 'friended' many strangers, mainly musicians and travellers. What would people be wanting from me that they cant already find out? If I don't like someone....goodbye.


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3 Feb 2004
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Yes there are some Facebook groups which are very helpful and valuable

Make sure you use a secure password (12 characters or so), and review the privacy settings to be what you want not what they want.
Personally I do follow a few interesting groups - some about local community, some sailing - but don’t ever post on Facebook. This was a policy when still working, but just maintained since.

PS. I think certain politicians, and their backers, are to blame for current environment and fake news, NOT Facebook et al


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10 Jun 2004
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We are finding in the Western Caribbean that countries now make the important government announcements on Facebook (Guatemala, Belize, Mexico and Honduras) about Covid, States of emergencies, restriction to travel and entry in the country


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15 Aug 2006
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We are finding in the Western Caribbean that countries now make the important government announcements on Facebook (Guatemala, Belize, Mexico and Honduras) about Covid, States of emergencies, restriction to travel and entry in the country
That is one of the many reasons I really don't like social media - that it is used as a primary channel by Gov to communicate seems fundamentally wrong to me. Maybe I just need to get over the thought that Zuckerberg et al will be 'tracking' me?


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26 Jan 2004
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That is one of the many reasons I really don't like social media - that it is used as a primary channel by Gov to communicate seems fundamentally wrong to me. Maybe I just need to get over the thought that Zuckerberg et al will be 'tracking' me?
The min you turn on your phone or PC your being tracked by someone ,


Well-known member
17 Mar 2018
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as my reply re other thread,,, bitter sweet , be careful , use selectively and be sparing with personal info ,,, but lots of useful information is available , and the for sale can turn up a few things . ( no need to get bogged down in all the trivia )


I am apparently 24 years old with a pop singers name and an email address* that I created especially for Facebook.

I don't post anything about myself but, as has been mentioned, belong to some really useful local groups and follow some interesting people ... Leo from Tally Ho for example.

I'm sure Facebook know my location ... either approximately or exact. I don't care. Numerous people and companies have that information.

* regarding the emails I have about 20 ... all with Google and all totally unintelligible ... think "floorcurtain1" and 2 and 3 etc.

No hassle to manage ... I don't ... but if I give one to a company and start getting spam (VERY rare) I know who is selling my data.

After a while if I trust the company I simply change the email to my normal one.

I wonder if there is a floorcurtain1@gmail.com ????