fab weekend in the solent


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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I have rediscovered the joys of solent boating. After sqeezing thru the porto solente lock late thursday, i then discovered that several forumites are also in PS. Zefender for a start, who was discovered late at night escaping on a small dinghy (acyually 40 foot but it looked very small) off to the channel islands.

On saturday i happened across mjf aka "the commodore" with whom we had a very sophisticated glass of champagne on friday nite. He is on D (for "drunks") pontoon. On the sunny saturday he and his mates were well away, running out of wine shortly before 2 pm, so i brought some over and helped them out at drinking it. Then we ran out again so i orgainsed the kids to bring over some more.

At one point mjf started rabbiting about how clean his boat was but i set him straight, and i was evidentaly so sloshed that i showedim how to clean the thing, first with hlb's boat remover on the plastic, then with two-part teak cleaner. That's learned him.

Mjf's neighbouring boat arrived back late saturday. Being meddish, i sat on the flybridge and watched quietly, expecting yet another smooth and uneventful parking procedure. Being solenty, they all ran around like headless chickens. The chickens were correct - this nutcase proceeded to impale his transom on mjf's anchor. If you had said "i want you to slice lumps of the transom with the anchor of that boat over there" i am not sure i could have done it quite so neatly.

At about this time, mjf's mate with a boat further up the pontoon, had run off to the bog. But his bog had failed, and now he was trying various fuses. My idiot wife volunteeered me to fix it, so bogpaper up the nose, and head down the bilge, mjf's mate insisted upon trying various fusues each of which lit up and failed. So, i dismantled the macerator, and rather amazingly after sevral bottles of wine, put it back together.

Back at the party, Mrs tcm had suddenlt lost it with mjf's neighbour, toldim in no uncertain terms what she though of his antics, and was kindly escorted back to our boat where she passed out until 6 am sunday.

Mjf and his mates have decided to go to whitecliff bay, so mjf get's his chart out the nite before. Very solenty. And his dividers too. Even more solenty. It's 8.4 miles. Hm.

Sunday, i decided that the entire place was filthy. Also, Observer had threatened to come round. So i spent an hour clesning the pontoon, so that our bit is clean, and likely help keep the boat clean too, even if runing to the shorepower again. Whereas all the other boats are about as clean as your house would be if surrounded by mud on all sides.

Ohm, the shorepower is crap of course. I can blow up the 32 amps with a dishwasher and a washing machine. It may explain why some brits boats have crap appliancers innem.

Not to worry, off to the folly, where the dinghy garagge blows up and i go ape with the kids for not just getting on the taxi. But then it gets fixed. In the pub carpark, somebody wangs into the landlady's car. Observer's kids get their painter aroudn the prop. Is this set up as entertainment for me? It can't be like this all the time can it? At least the PS lock is much bigger than i rememeber it. The bloke leans out of the window and say that i have to turn the engines off in the lock. But the engines ARE off - that's the generator. hee hee.

Observers kids want to stay on our boat on the way back. Small observerette asks exactly which tummy the children come out of, and is it that the gilrs come out of mummy's tummies and the boys out the dads? I agree that this is very logical, but explain that all the babies come out of the mummies tummies, and sometimes they are girls and sometimes they are boys. She is unconvinced so i agree to check again. I think that's right isn't it?

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18 Jun 2003
w.london - boat on solent- RIB on Tidal Thames
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I noticed that the pontoon between the bridge head and my nice newly (tcm)cleaned boat is a bit grubby.

Any chance you could use the two part? It should'nt take you too long.
In exchange I will give you a full demo on the dividers.

Meanwhile my mate has floaters in his bilge.........


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21 Nov 2002
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<blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

Mjf's neighbouring boat arrived back late saturday. Being meddish, i sat on the flybridge and watched quietly, expecting yet another smooth and uneventful parking procedure. Being solenty, they all ran around like headless chickens. The chickens were correct - this nutcase proceeded to impale his transom on mjf's anchor. If you had said "i want you to slice lumps of the transom with the anchor of that boat over there" i am not sure i could have done it quite so neatly.


tcm forgot to add that the hapless skipper, having crunched his transom on mjf's anchor, threw his throttles into forward and shot to the opposite side of the fairway, where his anchor made hard contact with our bow, leaving a deep scratch which (I am informed) will cost £000s to repair (well at least £150). Oh well - it'll give the insurers something to laugh (or cry) about.

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Active member
18 Jun 2003
w.london - boat on solent- RIB on Tidal Thames
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I was not quite sure if physical damage had occurred 'over the road' but I do recall your boat rocking big time.

Ah, I am waiting for the damage estimate but reckon £500 / £600 for the bow roller- I am just pleased no one ran up forward on my boat to fend off as in my opinion trying to do that when 700/800 hp is unleased in panic could have ended in tears.

I forgot to look at my bow under the anchor to check that his swim platform did not touch my stem....

The joys of boating


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9 Jul 2001
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Re: Solent landfalls

Preparing to leave late Thursday evening for St. Vaast (which according to TCM is in the Channel Islands) I received a SMS from him saying that he planned to arrive Port Solent midnightish. I responded by telling him that freeflow would be at about 00:10 so he needn't worry about all those complicated fender arrangements. He txted back demanding that we don't impede him in the approach channel due to his colregs breaking length etc etc.

We slipped our lines at 23:30 and meandered our way out through the channel in the darkness and came across a vessel floating aimlessly about. At first, we thought it had been nicked or perhaps yet another case of woeful stinkie navigation but then we saw two people on the foredeck. One, it turned out, was BurgundyBen sobbing pitifully that he just wanted to be home, the other, Trazzie, was furiously pointing out posts of different colours. At the helm was TCM, all nice and cosy in the 5* splendour of Diana II, barking orders and saying things like "you'd never get this in the Med y'know"...

Seeing them heading towards the mud flats, we felt that giving them a compass course would only lead to confusion (They might think we were confirming a takeway order), we pointed from whence we had come and the twin million litre monster lurched backwards and headed towards its final destination. Now they were happy. They'd made it. They sprinkled a couple of Euro coins on our decks as a tip. We doffed our Breton caps in appeciation.

Financial News: TCM takes boat to UK from Med. Oil shares reach all time high as news hits the market.

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