Exeter canal basin


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8 Jan 2002
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Granddaughter has an idea to park a Centaur at the basin to live on and avoid student accomodation costs. I think this is crazy and trying to dissuade her.
Biggest problems so far.
1/ There doesn't appear to be showers / toilets at basin.
2/ Centaur won't go under M5 so mast has to come out, but where? Presumably at Turf? Mast cranage cost quotes £50 hour and only weekdays, no mention of storage for mast.
3/ Not sure Exeter Canal will allow liveaboards.
Has anyone tried this? The official canal tariff and regulations leave many questions vague.


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7 Jun 2010
Fowey, Cornwall
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I think it's an excellent idea if she can do it legally. Trouble is, with canals you usually have to move every 2 weeks unless you have a mooring, which is genrally difficult to get. Why not contact the Canal and River Trust to get a definitive answer. Contact us


Well-known member
10 Oct 2016
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Granddaughter has an idea to park a Centaur at the basin to live on and avoid student accomodation costs. I think this is crazy and trying to dissuade her.
Biggest problems so far.
1/ There doesn't appear to be showers / toilets at basin.
2/ Centaur won't go under M5 so mast has to come out, but where? Presumably at Turf? Mast cranage cost quotes £50 hour and only weekdays, no mention of storage for mast.
3/ Not sure Exeter Canal will allow liveaboards.
Has anyone tried this? The official canal tariff and regulations leave many questions vague.
I half joked about this with my son (not Exeter, and not a Centaur). Showers isn't a huge issue - the Uni will have great sports facilities with showers, and potentially showers elsewhere on campus to encourage active travel. Toilets might be more of a problem - where do you need to go for a pump out/chemical toilet disposal? Is she the sort of girl likely to do that? Even when there are public toilets in marina's etc its not much fun walking 100m to go for a pee in the dark, when its pouring down at 3am. Its tolerable for a weekend, but not every day.

The mast doesn't seem like a major issue unless she plans to sail it throughout the season? But even if the air draft was fine - keeping a "student flat" in a state where it was quickly ready to sail would be unusual.

I thought all canals were keen to promote liveaboards - for a price! Is there shorepower?


Well-known member
9 Oct 2012
Devon, England
There are a few liveaboards at the Exeter canal basin, possibly under former arrangements, possibly under the radar, I don’t like to ask!
Masts can be stored there. What height is a centaur mast? The motorway bridge allows approx 10m or so. Masts cost under £100 to lower and the same to raise, so not expensive.
I’ve paid c£1k for canal transit up plus 5 or 6 month’s winter storage and canal transit down, in a similar sized boat.
I’d not recommend over-wintering on board for simple reasons of comfort. There is a toilet dockside but not great. Definitely no showers.
Cold, damp, lonely, uncomfortable, questionable security and probable breach of canal regs.
Quite pleasant in spring/simmer/autumn.


Well-known member
8 Jan 2002
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Thanks for all your inputs.
As I suspected, it's a great idea but rather too many pitfalls and negatives to be viable. It seemed like a great idea while sitting outside the Topsham Brewery.
I can't help thinking that Exeter Council are missing a trick, it should be a fantastic attraction.


Well-known member
19 May 2018
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We've just been in to the turf lock - a fantastic spot & the only point of entry. Well worth a visit

I gained the impression that the canal is very unseen on live aboards.


Well-known member
31 Aug 2011
On the Celtic Fringe
We've just been in to the turf lock - a fantastic spot & the only point of entry. Well worth a visit

I gained the impression that the canal is very unseen on live aboards.
In the grip of a cold January day 'Turf' is not as fantastic...

Exeter City Council/Harbour Authority has worked hard to clear the basin and canal of liveaboards over the last decade. There was a significant drug/alcohol problem in the liveaboard community.

I've seen a few boats over winter in the canal basin, but it is the last place I'd want to keep a boat as there is no security.


Well-known member
19 May 2018
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In the grip of a cold January day 'Turf' is not as fantastic...

Exeter City Council/Harbour Authority has worked hard to clear the basin and canal of liveaboards over the last decade. There was a significant drug/alcohol problem in the liveaboard community.

I've seen a few boats over winter in the canal basin, but it is the last place I'd want to keep a boat as there is no security.
I was talking from the point of a summer visit (when it is truly fantastic) - even the canal guys said it could be pretty bleak in winter. It does seem that there are efforts being made to improve things - there is a very nice shower/toilet block, water & electricity available.

There was certainly one very big, posh boat being kept there recently.

Sadly, it seems that there is a drugs & alcohol problem pretty much everywhere, but it wasn't in evidence at Turf when we visited.


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17 Jun 2008
Surrey and Gosport UK
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I have seen drug dealing in Torquay MDL so don’t think Exeter is unusual. The rule at Exeter always used to be no townies selling to students on campus . While a centaur is a lovely boat it would not be my live aboard choice -a mobo might be preferable in space terms . I guess a place at Kingston uni might offer more livaboard opportunities on Thames if liveabord attracts or of course Portsmouth uni or Soton . I suspect if probably the best uni is the choice for grand daughter a cottage in Topsham might be the closest to the river life available plus sailing dinghies at exmouth.


Well-known member
19 May 2018
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I have seen drug dealing in Torquay MDL so don’t think Exeter is unusual. The rule at Exeter always used to be no townies selling to students on campus . While a centaur is a lovely boat it would not be my live aboard choice -a mobo might be preferable in space terms . I guess a place at Kingston uni might offer more livaboard opportunities on Thames if liveabord attracts or of course Portsmouth uni or Soton . I suspect if probably the best uni is the choice for grand daughter a cottage in Topsham might be the closest to the river life available plus sailing dinghies at exmouth.
And a mobo would go under the motorway bridge