Well-known member, for some reason, that's precisely my feeling with this spot!
East side of Corsica - pinarello ?
Beautiful spot! How did you take the photo? Top of a cliff?
With a camera.
What happens when the tide goes out?
Wow that's fantastic MapisM. I love to see "brave anchoring" (I mean with tight clearances, as opposed to a anchored in 10m, miles from the beach). Much respect to you!
surely the shot was taken with some sort of quadcopter/remote control drone?
ah my mistake perhaps. I assumed it was MapisM's boat. Right size and genre. But MapisM's has a teak fly deck and the pictured boat has a white deck, so it must be a different boat. A Trader or somethingdidn't realize this is MM boat!
Must have been more than 3 yrs ago, as it's not got the new large bimini top.
Spent 15mins in google earth, couldn't spot the place, but Corsica does have similar coastline on the N, NW. Comeon MM, tell us (I for one wont make it that far )