I am going to england next Summer howe normal is it to pay in euro in harbor's "paying habor money " and shops around the harbor or must i exchange to pounds and wat is the normal overnight pay for a 25 fot sailboat
What!? Use Euros in good old Blighty? You jest, surely? Actually, I haven't got a clue as I have been Med based for 5 years. No doubt others with recent experience will give you an answer. However, knowing the horrendous amounts I was asked to pay for visitors' berths five years ago you may well wish to pay with plastic to avoid carrying around large quantities of any sort of cash!
It is not, in my experience, normal to pay in Euros and in shops in England that do accept Euros you will mainly find that the purchase is converted into Euros from Sterling at a rate that is disadvantageous to you. Suggest you use a credit card for most purchases; credit cards are much more widely used in UK than in Northern Europe, however you will find it necessary to have a few pounds available for spending. Rates for staying in Marinas in UK vary with location, for a 25 footer I would guess a cost of about £12 to £16 per day, or, in my experience, twice the cost of a good quality marina in Northern Europe