Etap 26 & lifting keels



I'm considering buying an Etap 26 and have obtained and read the magazines review of this boat. I have one particular question, the lifting keel, they say it takes fifteen mins. to hoist it from deck? Is there a quicker alternative. They also talk about a electro motor version which will lift the keel much quicker, were these common?


I used to own an Etap 26. The lifting keel is raised and lowered by inserting a handle (like a winch handle) on deck at the base of the mast and, if I remember correctly, one turn of the handle rised or lowered the keel 1.5mm. So it was not a five minute job (although lowering is easier than raising - obviously). It's not something you tend to do very frequently though - unless you are fearfull of going aground, and then you would be surprised how quickly you could raise it!

Some boats were fitted with an electric motor for this job. I saw one once but did not see it working. But the motor was located in the heads and in the way I think.