Essex to Portugal...any "interesting" shipping ideas


New member
16 May 2001
Southampton & Greece (Chios)
Essex to Portugal...any \"interesting\" shipping ideas

Going on a big family holiday to Portugal in July. Quite fancy the idea of having the boat in Lagos marina while we are there - but only if it can be done reasonably cheaply.

She is a Sunseeker Superhawk...37 feet LOA with a 10 foot beam.

Own steam is out...don't have the time to sail it and have a holiday.

Five grand each way or whatever it will be for professional shipping is not what I have in mind!!!!!

Any lateral thinking out there?? Maybe a passenger ferry from Southampton to Lagos-ish and local shipping from there?

No trailer so I will need some sort of professional help.


Active member
21 Sep 2006
Gran Canaria
Re: Essex to Portugal...any \"interesting\" shipping ideas

EEERM not my area of expertise this one but hows about employing a qualified skipper to do it for you both ways?
Not sure of the cost implications but sell him the idea of a free holiday perhaps!


Active member
20 Apr 2004
Re: Essex to Portugal...any \"interesting\" shipping ideas

Some easy ways to get your boat to Portugal:

1. Offer to lend it to Abramovich as a tender so long as he drops it off in Lagos
2. Find some Morrocan friends to come on board with you, then get another friend to phone the police and say you are a people trafficker. You and the boat will be sent back to Morocco and its an easy day trip from there.
3. Fit a sail
4. Get a long piece of rope and tie one end to your bow cleats and the other to the Portsmouth to Bilbao ferry.
5. Sell it at a bargain price to a buyer in Portugal, then trash the interior before he takes delivery. When he complains give him his money back less the transport cost
6. Set up a shipping company, have the boat transported to Portugal, then file for insolvency before you pay the ship owner
7. Buy up all the used chip fat in Essex and run it to Portugal on that
8. Tell Branson that some Johnny Foreigners have the existing record for Essex to Lagos by speedboat, and let his ego do the rest (mention that there will be a TV camera for full effect)
9. Take some Essex girls with you and the locals will pay for you to take them home again, halving the cost.
10. Ask Mark Thatcher to cruise it to Norway


Well-known member
30 Jun 2004
Visit site
Re: Essex to Portugal...any \"interesting\" shipping ideas

About 1200 miles Longest single leg 273 miles. What does your boat burn per hour ? can you guarantee force four or less for the delivery trip? work on about euro 1.2 per litre from Brest south.

Its a small boat to drive there on its own hull.

Options ship it ex Southampton or Felixstowe or By road .

Shippping Peters & May and Yacht Shipping etc.

By Road Thames Valley, BA Peters . or look for UK dealer of spanish or portugese Boats Rodman ? who wants a backload.

Consider you want to bring it back again I assume ? Cost of return?


New member
14 Aug 2006
Lagos, Portugal
Re: Essex to Portugal...any \"interesting\" shipping ideas

If you need any contacts in Lagos, drop me a PM as we are moored there.

I paid a heck of a lot less to get my boat transported from the South Coast to Lagas but I was flexible on dates and that meant that it could go as part of a "back-load". I guess your dates are fixed around your holiday though?


New member
14 Aug 2006
Lagos, Portugal
Re: Essex to Portugal...any \"interesting\" shipping ideas

I used Andersons Boat Transport from the West Country. (Which may be a problem as you are in Essex?)

They transported a pretty much brand new 28 footer from the Solent to Lagos. Did the trip on time and it arrived in perfect condition, just as it left the UK. (mind you I did have it shrinkwrapped)

Dont think they have a web site but the phone is 01208 862179.

Ask for Lynsey Anderson and tell him that you were recommended by Peter from Lagos in Portugal.