Presumably if it hardens more slowly it will generate less heat (or the same amount over a longer time) so maybe it would allow you to do a thicker piece in one go than you would with a fast hardener.
If I were going to suck air out of a layup with vacuum bagging then a slow hardener would also be good.
Filling Holes, such as mounting hardware. In warm weather, fast hardener will exotherm and the plug will be full of bubbles, pretty much every time.
Better Penetration. Slow hardener will soak into wood and seep into cracks. Better when rebonding delaminations or working around soft wood. Less likely to peal due to moisture and temperature fluctuations.
More working time for large or complex applications. Wit fast hardener in warm or even temperate conditions, the pot life is as little as 10 minutes, not enough to work with in many cases. also very little time for the epoxy to soak through thick. lamination or to be forced out by pressure.