EPIRBS Do I need one - 2nd try


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
home in Brum. S37 sold, was in Med Spain.
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I can see my first request dissapearing without a reply. 2nd try ....there must be EPIRB knowledge out there.

I've been hanging out with a few Med yachty liveaboards during the nasty weather of the last week (yes the med has weather too!) They all sprout these EPIRB things and it's got me thinking that am I the only one without one. I guess considerations for buying/not buying one are:
It's £500 which I would rather spend on something interesting.
The longest trips I do is about 100 miles offshore.
Calling ahead to the next marina with an ETA is not really practical (language and they won't take any notice anyway)
Good chance of getting a radio message through to shore or another ship in say, 24hrs.
Good survival chance in the warm sea conditions of the Med for several days in the life raft.
How long does it take from EPIRB activation to location and pick up (not thinking of the type that link to GPS)
and of course the miniscule chances of the whole occurance anyway.
advice please


Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
If you are venturing 100 miles offshore an EPIRB could be seen as a very good investment in safety. But don't bother with the 121.5MHz type; go for one of the 406MHz models that uses the COSPAS/SARSAT satellite network which has global coverage.

Response will depend to a certain extent on the efficiency of the rescue services closest to you but at least you will be logged as being in distress. EPIRB needs to be programmed with your vessel's details, including MMSI if you have one. Also needs to be registered with Radio Comms.

406MHz alone will give a position fix somewhere between 1nm-50nm. If it has a built-in GPS that fix comes down to metres, which is why such systems are becoming popular.



New member
21 Jan 2002
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Look at it like this, every year you pay for insurance on car, house,and boat.The epirb is a once off insurance(plus maint)for the rest of your boating life at home or abroad.
Hopefully never to use it but just in case.If you can afford it -------- No Contest.You will be glad when you hear the engine of a chopper or tyne class within earshot if you are in the situation.