I see (via who's online) that we have new people today who are called Moderators. Over there, see with the red and green names (see thay CAN do it) name of Mr byers and sue pelling For those who don't know, moderators are often people who jump in and rip post apart, censor the selling bits, and delete any use of the words sex, crap and scunthorpe. However, seeing as not much of that around here, praps they will jump in and spice up a few postings? Are they newbies? or oldbies with new full-colour names? Praps journos whos names I don't recognise cos I don't read Loaded, Classic Boat incorporating Get Your Kit off, and other ipc titles.
Bit worrrying they callemselves moderators as KH (who is really) calls himself er harmless old git or whatever. Any relation to the Boat int journalist, Sue? Come to that, Mr Byers, are you related to anyone who has held back a few million squillion quid from a large train-related organisation, and if so, can we have a few quid to erm use the valuable resources of the Thames and Soent and Vital Public Thoroughfares?
Bit worrrying they callemselves moderators as KH (who is really) calls himself er harmless old git or whatever. Any relation to the Boat int journalist, Sue? Come to that, Mr Byers, are you related to anyone who has held back a few million squillion quid from a large train-related organisation, and if so, can we have a few quid to erm use the valuable resources of the Thames and Soent and Vital Public Thoroughfares?