English Nature Survey


Well-known member
2 Sep 2001
Me - Zumerzet Boat - Wareham
English Nature is conducting a web-based public survey to determine the UK's views on its coasts and seas. This is to be used in the development of their maritime strategy which will help implement the Government's stewardship vision set out in 'Safeguarding our Seas' and the biodiversity strategy for England 'Working with the grain of nature'.

If you have a few minutes to spare please fill out their survey. Please use the link below and click on the starfish - the web page also has further details about the survey.

<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.english-nature.org.uk/science/coasts_and_seas/default.asp>http://www.english-nature.org.uk/science/coasts_and_seas/default.asp</A>

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Deleted User YDKXO

Another of His Toniness' luvvie loaded quangos. The survey has no merit whatsoever as the questions are totally biased towards a predetermined outcome which is of course further restrictions on boating and other maritime leisure activities. Cynical, moi?

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
Visit site
Re: Unexpurgated version

Please answer the following questions

1 Job: are you
a ) a student
b) at school
c) a homemaker
d) retired
e) a social worker
f) in local government
g) a care worker
h) in the voluntary sector
i) a postgraduate researcher
j) a moneygrubbing git, probably with a big car and a boat!

2) Do you live
a) in various places, becauser you are homeless
b) with your parents
c) in a care home
d) in a youth hostel
e) in government-provided accomodation
f) in a refuge
g) in a big house with a big fence to keep out burglars, neighbours and other lowlife types.

3) Salary: please put yourself in one of the following brackets
a) voluntary worker, no salary
b) at school, no salary
c) junior level government job plus London weighting
d) quite reasonable unsacakable government job.
e) senior level government worker with loads of holidays, excellent salary and good prospects. Mind you, the staff car park is full of scrap.
f) Lots more than any of the people who dream up these salary brackety things consider is possible.

4) Newspaper: Do you read
a) The Guardian every day
b) The Guardian only once a week
c) The Guardian less than once a week
d) some other newspaper. Really? What about the Guardian, though?

5) As few as 40,000 species of plants now survive on our coasts. Does this
a) worry you a little?
b) worry you a great deal?
c ) make you think well, 40,00 sounds quite lot and most them will probably be weeds anyway, and most different species look quite lot the same too, lots of which sie off through natural selection, easily the greatest killer of plant and animal species over that last fw bilion years and NOT cars or aerosols.

Thank you for answering this hopeless and one-sided survey, based on no research, no sampling, no idea who fills in any of the results, and made up by a boneheaded sandal-wearing nutter who should be sacked, shot and dumped at sea to save the government wasting any more money.


Well-known member
29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
Re: Unexpurgated version

quote.............made up by a boneheaded sandal-wearing nutter who should be sacked, shot and dumped at sea.....unquote
You really shouldnt be so hard on yourself.....but if you must please dont get dumped at sea....pollution and all that........

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Well-known member
16 May 2001
Cotswolds / Altea
Re: Unexpurgated version

Click on the link then when in the site click on 'about us'. The first line is.....

"Find out more about English Nature's service standards for answering the phone, ....." yawn yawn.

Nice to see that they've got their priorities right.

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Well-known member
16 May 2001
Cotswolds / Altea
Probably the same people who have campaigned so vigourously for speed limits on Windermere.

Disclaimer: The above is all IMHO with no appreciation of the actual facts, just some preconceived prejudiced views.

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