Engine mounts


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25 Nov 2003
Emsworth, Chichester Hbr, UK
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a quick chat with becky becky@robush.co.uk got a special offer of £78.44 for 4 mounts and VAT and standard post included (£5)
this is about £20 below their list

You are obviously a good negotiator! .... or maybe the female I dealt with was not 'Becky' !

However, after saving £20 or so, why throw it away by paying for a set of shims? .... they are only bits of mild steel, 0.5mm/1mm/2mm with a slot cut in them. After assembling with no shims, you should be able to estimate how many and what thickness's you are likely to need. (I was lucky when I replaced my mounts this year and only needed 2 x 0.5mm at the front).


New member
28 Aug 2012
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I estimate making them myself will be dearer allowing £2 per hour and
allowing for the first 6 sets to be unusable

no seriously a fairy princess made a pack appear on eBay just after I posted

(I had already bought 2 400mm X 30mm strips of 1 mm mild steel but I hadn't bought the 13mm drill or the tin-snips yet);)