"Not my fault guv"
Of course, he could have used the veto, ignored it or done anything else the rest of the EU does when a national interest comes second, but Tony isn't like that.
[/ QUOTE ]
National interest?? Um sorry Andrew, but the interests of a few power boaters is not really in the "National Interest" is it?
No I am not being derisory, just realistic.........The government may well feel that they have bigger fish to fry, and may well not wish to get bogged down with something (which in the greater scheme of things) is relatively unimportant?
Of course, for Mobo owners, it's all very annoying etc. Though as the petition only attracted 1720 votes, one might be forgiven for assuming that maybe it's not such a great concern as some would have us believe?
Personally, I think that a lot of the fuming and postering, that has taken place on these forums, is more about making anti government propoganda, than anything to do with fuel. A lot of the time it is the same contributors, making the same noises as they always make, ad nauseum mostly. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Moboating, as seems to be indulged in by most of the contributors to these forums is a minority pastime.........that's the bottom line really, there is certainly little or no public support for their cause. For the Moboaters, it's almost a shame that the government / EU, were not trying to tax all of the sailing for leisure fraternity, because it seems to me that the the sailing fraternity being much larger that the Moboaters, in terms of numbers, that a lot more noise could have been made?
Hey, look on the bright side, the fuel increase isn't going to bite overnight, it will probably take them more than a year to sort out how best to do it, so make hay while the sun shines! Enjoy what's left of being able to use low cost fuel. You never no, they just might decide that it aint worth the bother, and find summat else to worry about, as if they aint already?
I might say, that it has been noted by many, that the biggest huffers and puffers , on these forums, have been the ones with the biggest and shiniest toys........somewhat anomalous don't you think?? They have certainly not won themselves much, if any support.
"Not my fault guv"
Of course, he could have used the veto, ignored it or done anything else the rest of the EU does when a national interest comes second, but Tony isn't like that.
[/ QUOTE ]
National interest?? Um sorry Andrew, but the interests of a few power boaters is not really in the "National Interest" is it?
No I am not being derisory, just realistic.........The government may well feel that they have bigger fish to fry, and may well not wish to get bogged down with something (which in the greater scheme of things) is relatively unimportant?
Of course, for Mobo owners, it's all very annoying etc. Though as the petition only attracted 1720 votes, one might be forgiven for assuming that maybe it's not such a great concern as some would have us believe?
Personally, I think that a lot of the fuming and postering, that has taken place on these forums, is more about making anti government propoganda, than anything to do with fuel. A lot of the time it is the same contributors, making the same noises as they always make, ad nauseum mostly. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Moboating, as seems to be indulged in by most of the contributors to these forums is a minority pastime.........that's the bottom line really, there is certainly little or no public support for their cause. For the Moboaters, it's almost a shame that the government / EU, were not trying to tax all of the sailing for leisure fraternity, because it seems to me that the the sailing fraternity being much larger that the Moboaters, in terms of numbers, that a lot more noise could have been made?
Hey, look on the bright side, the fuel increase isn't going to bite overnight, it will probably take them more than a year to sort out how best to do it, so make hay while the sun shines! Enjoy what's left of being able to use low cost fuel. You never no, they just might decide that it aint worth the bother, and find summat else to worry about, as if they aint already?
I might say, that it has been noted by many, that the biggest huffers and puffers , on these forums, have been the ones with the biggest and shiniest toys........somewhat anomalous don't you think?? They have certainly not won themselves much, if any support.