The boat has never been plugged in there, I'm not sure about those around it. Its not actually my boat but I will ask the owner.
Rumour has it that a couple of other boats also had problems recently....
It's not neccessarily external, it could be a battery leak internally, especially if the engine is non insulated return, ie, the battery negative is connected to the engine block.
Well, on some marine engines, Mermaid spring to mind, the starter and all the engine ancilleries are insulated, that is they have two wires going to them, which totally insulates the engine from any voltages. That way, even if there is a leaky (electrically) component, the engine is not the negative path, so no current flows. So it's insulated from any stray currents. Thats the way mine are. I hasten to add, that is the correct way a boat should be wired, albeit more expensive, which is why most aren't.
No, this is on a Mercruiser, and a petrol 1 at that. Thanks 4 the info though, I didnt realise anyone went to all that trouble 2 insulate the engines !
I wonder if there is a lot of metal left lying around the bottom? If so that could be the cause of the problem. Don't know about Chatham but some marinas are worse than others for this, either because of old chain and the like or because they have steel reinforced dock walls.
At Chatham Maritime Marina, Water samples have been taken as part of our ongoing development of the site. Samples were taken before the Marina was installed and periodic sampling continues throughout. At no point have any results indicated that there are corrosive properties within the Marina. There is approx. 20% fresh water 80% salt water mix within the basin due to rainfall and surface water run off into the Marina. A number of independent tests carried out by boat owners has also confirmed our results. Our Lock Gates have anode protection and I can confirm that both sets of gates have recently undergone an over haul. Anodes were replaced no abnormal degradation was apparent.
My boat was built down there, at Upnor, near the Medway yacht club, theres a big shed in the trees, with it's own slipway, Englander was built in that shed. I visited her birth place just recently.
Errr, it varies some bits are like bloody bandit country and I'm told our prosie population is quite high!
The area varies a lot and with Gillingham adjoining that has a roughish population as well. It's quite a mix with part industrial and part white collar population and a lothave people moved here from London as it's that much cheaper.
Me, I am nice and quiet and obviously give the correct impression through my time on here! Although if you'd heard the swearing on Tuesday changing cam belts on the boat you might not have agreed.....
You swearing working on an engine Jim thought that was only me did that. For PaulineB yes he is a very nice guy, and the only one I know in Chatham so cant comment on the rest
Given that you know of others going to and being at Chatham Maritime Clive, am I the only one on here at Gillingham?
Maybe John W should be impressed if thats the case!
PS Only swear at V%&%os not Perkins thats why you've never heard me!