Electric motor query


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26 Dec 2014
Kerry, Ireland
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Just wondering if a small 12volt electric trolling motor used on a small punt just to get out and back from my mooring, would be better powered by a leisure battery, rather than a regular starting battery. Either way the battery will be kept on a trickle charge via a solar panel. Just wonder which would be best. Thanks.


Well-known member
13 Jul 2002
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Just wondering if a small 12volt electric trolling motor used on a small punt just to get out and back from my mooring, would be better powered by a leisure battery, rather than a regular starting battery. Either way the battery will be kept on a trickle charge via a solar panel. Just wonder which would be best. Thanks.
Of these two options the leisure battery will be the better choice because a starter battery is designed to deliver a very high current for a few seconds only whereas the leisure battery is designed to supply a smaller current contiuously for a longer period.
An even better option may be a traction battery.
The best choice may be a LiFePO4 battery
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Well-known member
28 Jul 2003
West Australia
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Of course Vic is correct but much depends on just how long you run the motor for. If just a short period then starter battery may be OK. However for best range and long life as related to the weight of the battery then deep cycle (traction) battery best. (or lithium)
I have set up a box with a series of 18650 LiFe cells 3 in series with 4 sets to make around 8 amp hours. Seems great for the boat power. Lights and radio. Weighs about 1 kg. You need a charge controller for charging. Be careful not to discharge too much. This idea is experimental but might suit your needs ol'will


Well-known member
19 May 2003
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Just wondering if a small 12volt electric trolling motor used on a small punt just to get out and back from my mooring, would be better powered by a leisure battery, rather than a regular starting battery. Either way the battery will be kept on a trickle charge via a solar panel. Just wonder which would be best. Thanks.
Try a golf buggy battery. Do a "Google" search loads around Amazon etc. Or Mobility buggy.
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