EFMs at Studland - Poll


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30 May 2001
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Studland Villagers do not want the Bay covered in extra mooring buoys on aesthetic grounds. Dorset Wildlife Trust says that 68% of Boat owners they asked in Studland say they would prefer to tie up to a buoy.

BORG objects to the pseudo science being used to 'prove' that boats damage eelgrass, but has no objection to more moorings being provided for visitors. Three years ago we brokered a scheme to lay between 30 and 50 EFMs which would satisfy Natural England and even the Seahorse Trust. However the practicalities were way beyond anything BORG could handle. In deference to our colleagues at Studland who later decided that they did not want ANY more moorings, I dropped the idea.

However new developments this week suggest that our original suggestion might provide a way forward, although the funding/management issues remain unresolved for the moment.

We now need a consensus opinion: If visitor moorings were provided at Studland at a fair 'going rate', would you prefer to use them rather than use your own ground tackle for free? This assumes that a) they are properly laid and maintained by a mooring contractor and are therefore safe to use and b) the political aspects of conservation have been resolved, and c) the option of anchoring in the bay remains freely open to all.

EDIT: apologies, it timed out while I was still working out how to set up the poll

Responding to below: I do not know the 'going rate ' for taking a visitors mooring (I always use my own anchor) . BORG is the Boat Owners Response Group, set up to challenge the deeply flawed science and assumptions being pedelled by conservation groups, so as to ensure where restrictions affect our sport, they will be realistic and effective. EFM's are Eco Friendly Moorings - a type of ground tackle which works by ensuring that mooring tackle remains clear of the seabed except where it is attached usually by a large screw. The purpose is to ensure that the tackle causes minimum disturbance to fragile environments. sounds good, but tests in UK suggest existing designs do not work well over here for various reasons. There are reports of up to 70% fail rate of the American design favoured by natural England. It is also questionable whether any of the standard designs will actually work in the shallow waters round Studland. Most need a minimum depth in order to keep the groud tackle clear of the seabed.

Will have another go at posting the poll later, as have run out of time just now!
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17 Dec 2003
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Oldharry, I 100% support the great voluntary work you are doing in defending Studland from the Seahorse fanatics, but could you just quickly explain what BORGs and EFMs are? Sorry for being a bit of a numpty here.


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24 Jun 2007
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Throwing another thought into the mix here - bookings for the moorings used in the Balearics for the, much diminished, Posidonia Life scheme came with a warning that they were not warranted above 15kts of wind. Moorings recently installed in the San Antonio (Ibiza) bay, which are reportedly of the EFM type, are similarly constrained and users warned off for higher wind forecasts.

In an anchorage such as Studland, where some of the argument is as a place of refuge in the prevailing winds of the area, such restrictions would significantly reduce the credibility of the mooring. It would not encourage me to use them, not that I'm likely to anyway having faith in my own gear and technique.
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Well-known member
29 Nov 2009
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I'll vote in the poll when it appears but no, I would not usually opt to pay for a mooring if I had the option to anchor.



23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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I hope Old Harry won't mind me replying.

BORG ( yes a deliberate Star Trek pun ) is Boat Owner's Response Group, set up by Old Harry, Galadriel, Sailbob Squarepants and myself when the threat to ban boats from Studland first surfaced a few years ago.

A lot has happened since then, I have taken a back seat but Old Harry has done a HUGE amount of work, I have seen the truly thousands of pages of bumph he has to research before even minor meetings, he is also in contact with various Govt, Euro MP's, got the RYA involved, in contact with Studland Bay residents ( see ' Save Studland Bay ' on Facebook ).

The residents of Studland Bay, far from being the rich NIMBY's one might expect, are boat lovers and very strong supporters of BORG.

BORG is a completely self funding outfit, but has expanded to include lawyers, professors of seabed life and pro ship skippers.

EFM's are ' Environmentally Friendly Moorings, essentially a corkscrew into the seabed and a big elastic band instead of a chain; very expensive to set up ( inc a seabed survey and a workboat with £10,000 kit ) and I would want some reassurances about U/V and salt crystal chafe along with a lot of other issues, definitely a very frequent check involving divers.

No-one wants or needs them except people trying to create a well funded living in the sunshine...
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Well-known member
30 May 2001
high and dry on north island
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I'll vote in the poll when it appears but no, I would not usually opt to pay for a mooring if I had the option to anchor.


+1 , never trust someone else to do what I can most probably do better myself, and can inspect all parts of it every single time it is used. I remember seeing a heap of mooring blocks in Salcombe, on the bend right before The Bag, many still with riser chains and pickup buoys attached. concrete blocks lifted by boat rising to swells then bumped along to the beach. Problem now is new generations boating do not trust their own ground tackle ( unless it is on an APP). Born in a marina culture and cruising from one parking lot to another. When I started, anchoring was pretty much the only option. NGM eventually will get his way as the new gens will want buoys but not understand the risks. Watch how many twits will pick up a mooring in Studland even if strong easterlies are forecast,


Well-known member
12 Sep 2001
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I'll vote in the poll when it appears but no, I would not usually opt to pay for a mooring if I had the option to anchor.


+ another.

In a place like Studland which is an important bolthole for small boats in strong winds from the prevailing on an otherwise exposed coast, any moorings that replace the right/ability to anchor would have to be rated to a high maximum weight/wind resistance for the largest boats likely to use them in any conceivable conditions or they'd be worse than useless. Will the people placing them assume a duty of care to users in such conditions? It seems to me that they couldn't do it without.


Active member
12 Dec 2008
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Can I suggest a multiple choice poll?

Would you anchor in Studland?
Would you use an EFM if it was free and you knew it was properly maintained?
Would you use an EFM if you had to pay £x (per night), but knew it was properly maintained?
Would you use an EFM if you had to pay £x (per night), but suspected it was not properly maintained?

I would answer "yes" to the first two (subject to gaining confidence that an EFM was reliable). Definitely no to the last.
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1 Aug 2011
Maybe in a boat next to you?
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I hope Old Harry won't mind me replying.

BORG ( yes a deliberate Star Trek pun ) is Boat Owner's Response Group, set up by Old Harry, Galadriel, Sailbob Squarepants and myself when the threat to ban boats from Studland first surfaced a few years ago.

A lot has happened since then, I have taken a back seat but Old Harry has done a HUGE amount of work, I have seen the truly thousands of pages of bumph he has to research before even minor meetings, he is also in contact with various Govt, Euro MP's, got the RYA involved, in contact with Studland Bay residents ( see ' Save Studland Bay ' on Facebook ).

The residents of Studland Bay, far from being the rich NIMBY's one might expect, are boat lovers and very strong supporters of BORG.

BORG is a completely self funding outfit, but has expanded to include lawyers, professors of seabed life and pro ship skippers.

EFM's are ' Environmentally Friendly Moorings, essentially a corkscrew into the seabed and a big elastic band instead of a chain; very expensive to set up ( inc a seabed survey and a workboat with £10,000 kit ) and I would want some reassurances about U/V and salt crystal chafe along with a lot of other issues, definitely a very frequent check involving divers.

No-one wants or needs them except people trying to create a well funded living in the sunshine...

Spot on mate.


Active member
12 Dec 2008
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I would'nt pay no matter what. It will lead to the unattractiveness of the bay.

I think the point of this survey is to work out whether people would use them if they were there, not whether they want them or not (e.g. for aesthetic reasons). So, I think the starting point is to assume that there are loads of them already, but also space to anchor.


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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There are no public visitor's moorings at Studland, just a few for customers of the Bankes Arms, and some rather old local's ones.

Fact is, when anchoring there one has to look in the ( usually 10' deep bits ) for a sandy patch, as the seagrass is expanding, proven by aerial photo's no matter what tosh the SHT dish out to gullible punters.

The small bare patches by the local's moorings, said to be the result of ' chain scouring ' by NGM, have proven to be caused by fresh water springs.

Lots of room for everyone ( even Seahorses if people didn't insist on tagging them for predators to catch easier and advertising their presence to ethnic types who fancy them as valuable delicacies )if just a few self serving types didn't fancy it as their own private beach to play on, while funded by the public !
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Active member
15 Mar 2010
South Devon
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Problem now is new generations boating do not trust their own ground tackle ( unless it is on an APP). Born in a marina culture and cruising from one parking lot to another. ,

I dont think SWMBO and I could class ourselves as a 'the new generation' probably a bit too old now :miserable: but we almost always anchor and avoid marinas like the plague. Same would go for chargeable moorings v free anchoring. At Newtown Creek, we always anchored.
1 Aug 2011
Maybe in a boat next to you?
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I think the point of this survey is to work out whether people would use them if they were there, not whether they want them or not (e.g. for aesthetic reasons). So, I think the starting point is to assume that there are loads of them already, but also space to anchor.

It sounds to me judging by what I've heard already that anyone trying to set up those EFM's will go bankrupt in no time at all.
I think I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
I intend to anchor & I will never pay for it. NGM is ****ing up the Bay as far as I can see.
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