Dynastart or Vol.Reg. problem??


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7 Apr 2004
Cardiff Bay
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Hi to all. As some of you know, I've just bought a Halcyon 27, with lots of 1960s charm! Included in this is a Sabb 8HP diesel with the usual Bosch Dynastart and separate mechanical voltage regulator/solenoid. I suspect the charging circuit is not working (battery terminal voltage does not increase after engine start...is this normal?). Anway, how can I check that a) the dynastart is producing a charge b) the VR is functioning? I have a circuit diagram of the connections, but no idea how the trouble-shoot the system with a multimeter. Are there any publications or web sites that cover this? I've found a few references to alternators and mechanical VRs, but not when used with a dynamo. Is there a difference? If the VR is at fault through worn/dirty points or voltage setting, what is the procedure for adjusting? I'd welcome any help or advice on this.

Many thanks.

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20 Apr 2002
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Arn't Halcyons fun.
Easiest option is to remove the dynastart and control box and visit the local Lucas (LUSK) depot and get them to run them up on the rig, and identify the problem.
Mine had the field coils gone, would start but not charge, but then the previous owner had fitted the alternator, may be for this reason. Dynastart's and regulators are not cheap!!!!
Thought just struck me, the pulley on the Dynastart is a solid one, or ours was, drill and tap the face, get pully turned and bolt on face of Dynastart pulley, you can than use this to drive an alternator. Feels a better option to the one we had.


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28 Jul 2003
West Australia
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The old generators on cars ( and the dyna start is the same) would not charge until decent revs were acheived certainly above idle unlike an alternator. Check the charging if you havn't already done so at cruise revs not just idle. Depending on you power requirements the dynastart may be adequate for your purposes. An ampmeter as well as voltmeter would be a better check however if you are convinced it is not charging as suggested remove it all to a electrical shop. If they tell to throw it away try another shop.
Certainly if you want more power once it is working properly go to an auto alternator. regards will

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16 May 2001
Overwinter in Sweden, sail in Northern Baltic, liv
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If the dynastart is like he one on my BD2 engine it has a low output at the best of times. The spec. for mine was a max. of about 7 amps. A few lamps and you could use that much easily. There might not be a problem with the equipment itself at all.
The dynastart regulator consisted of a couple of relays which pulled in at particular voltage levels. It would be worth finding out what those levels are and whether they are the right ones.
In normal operation one relay "trembles" or switches on and off pretty rapidly so instantaneously you are getting a high voltage or nothing at all. The system relies on the battery to smooth out the voltage adequately. Fussy equipment might not like this knobbly electricity.
Using an oscilloscope would let you know if this trembling is happening.

<hr width=100% size=1>Roger


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17 Jul 2001
I ran my Halcyon 27 with Sabb engine for many years using just a single V belt. I found that with the twin belts there was always one that was slack and shedded rubber dust. The free V groove was ideal for an alternator. I also replaced the V/R quite reasonably (can't remember quite how much) via an auto-electrics supplier.

Excellent boat and engine, IMHO

Good luck,

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Active member
7 Apr 2004
Cardiff Bay
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Thanks guys. In the medium term I may well fit an alternator. However, I've got a wind generator fitted, and if I can get the Dynastart charging at least the engine start battery, it might be OK. I've taken the control unit off the boat today and had a good look at it. The engine start solenoid looks fine. The VR section has various things that don't look good...one set of points partially welded together (free now), what seems to be some DIY wiring, and some possibly burnt insulation to a corroded component (large WW resistor or capacitor...not sure?). If the Dynastart charging circuit is OK, then what I need is a working VR designed for yacht use and with a dynamo rather than an alternator. Do such things still exist?? I will anyway take the whole lot to LSUK tomorrow and give them a good laugh!

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1 Apr 2006
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I have just started to rewire one in (dynastart on a 9hp Sabb) and it seems to work as for charging I have not got that far but I have a fault finding chart for DC Charging systems that might help you. I am in the Rummney River Club so it is possible to meet up if you need to. I will attempt to get the chart on to the computer (don't go there! Teenage chil;dren!!!!) and send you a copy.

Steve W