Dutch Import


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9 Jun 2003
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I`m looking to upgrade to a steel cruiser in the near future and I have visited Holland a few times to check on used boats up to 125k.

There is a staggering choice of manufacturer, although the layouts are very similar but prices are much lower.

The boat is mainly for river/estury use for extended stays (or even liveabord if SWMBO is convinced of heating /showers / galley etc)
We are considering +/- 40ft and some boats have single 62hp diesel and I am not sure if this is man enough for estury voyages ( about the same as my AD30 VP on my Sunfury)

If anyone any knowledge of the pitfalls of a import - vis Boat Saftey Cert etc I would be most grateful - I will need a skipper to help transport it to the Thames if the choice is made by the end of the season.

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1 Jun 2001
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we bought a Gruno 38' earlier this year....came with 130hp 6-cyl, but over 1800rpm is a waste of fuel/noisy, so think 62hp cd be adequate, so long as you're happy using higher rev's.

Try to go as late as possible re. better (ie, there is some) insulation & paint imo, unless you want a boaty looking boat in which case your budget is limited to oldies in that size.

Was very,very impressed with Vri-Jon (small maker) when shown around a couple of years ago....beware that many less well known boats are sold unfinished so fit-out can vary from poor to excellent.

Don't expect many bilge pumps.

Steel quite noisy from nearby props inside (insulation again).

Cheaper boats tend to be harder to take apart to fit heating/wiring etc.

1994 38' inc. bathing platform & bowsprit heated very well by 3.5Kw at most times, but more needed in very cold weather. Inulating the air pipes wd help, but access!. If usefullness of stock heater v.essential, suggest you check in all cabins, since an extra few feet of hose can lead to little heat/air flow at the end of a run.

Try to spot the rust/repainting inside- there's always some, but rarely serious even if it looks awful unless 20yrs+ imo....a devil to get at for removal/repainting.

If you find one you like with a low hp motor, try it out & see.

Std'ish brokers terms mean you can't pull out unless surveyor notices defects over xx% of value, so don't offer, pay deposit & then try it out to see if you like it....you'd be stuck.

Many brokers take attitude of lights ,switches, etc etc not worth mentioning & expect surveyors not to either, so base offer on having tested every small thing yourself in case lots of small =£££.

Look privately- prices can be much lower than brokers & english usually no.problem.

Larger brokers prices usually high, expecting 15%+ off seems normal. (& shd often be more from what I've seen)

Youve seen www.botentekoop.nl ?

otherwise try googling for a chosen boat type in holland, got ours for Euro 45000+ less than same model/age boat with a major broker advertised....advertised privately by a man who didn't trust brokers & wouldn't pay for an advert in Boten.

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9 Jun 2003
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thanks for the info - I have the magazine (Boten) as I was in Amsterdam Friday, but couldn`t find the website.

I also found a friendly barmaid who gave me a translation of all boaty phrases !

The website is better as I don`t keep turning to boats that seem ideal, till you see the price!

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1 Jun 2001
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boatshop24.com is used by some dutch brokers who don't use boten & a few private asellerss - I nearly bought a similarly cheap Gruno from Germany after an ad there, but the owner changed his mind & kept it.

seemed to us possibly wiser to buy a make at least a little known/sold in UK with an eye to eventual resale.

Lots of other sites out there : http://www.botenbank.nl/ for one.

We found mainly expensive long time on sale boats on sale through the summers- many Dutch buy a boat in winter to have it ready & use it for the season- with some brokers their busiest month may be December.

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16 May 2001
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Folowing dissalusionment with the housing market after a C~ck up in the purchase of a property I decided that I would look into liveaboards.. although I am a raggie I have often thought about the purchase of an old fishing boat conversion or similar to live on...

Went to this site for a look - http://www.sander-doeve.nl/ some really nice conversions and some huge projects too - and prices seem reasonable..

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21 Jun 2001
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under powered

I recently tried a 38 ft Dutch Van Lent with 2 x 75 hp diesels.

It handled like a lead balloon.
Make sure you get at least single 100 hp and bowthruster plus preferably a stern thruster.
Don't book a place in any boat handling competitions, although you should get a good sympathy vote!

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