dual steering confusion


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29 Aug 2002
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I'm trying to figure out the dual steering on our new (to us) 1986 30ft river cruiser which has the main controls inside and a second wheel on the flybridge.

There seems to be 2 cables, one from each wheel, which both go right back to the rudder. The inner core of the cable from the main ctrl position is connnected to the rudder arm, as you would expect. The inner core of the cable from the flybridge seems to be connected to the outer sheath of the main ctrl cable. Everything looks secure and in good condition.

The problem is that it doesn't work!.........

Depending on what position the flybridge wheel is left in, there can be very little manoverability from down stairs. More specifically, if the upper wheel is not in the 'midships' position, then the lower wheel is unable to fully move the rudder all the way in both dirrections (of course I only realised this half way through a tight manover in a crowded harbour on a sunny bank holiday and I suddenly found that I couldn't turn left!!).

Also, when you turn the lower wheel, the upper one turns too, so even if you leave it 'midships' it can end up twisted to the left or right and hence mess up the steering from downstairs .

As a temporary measure I tied the upper wheel so it couldn't turn and all seemed to stay ok downstairs. There doesn't seem to be any proper way to 'lock' either wheels.

Any advice?
Is there a fault or am I just doing something wrong?
Maybe you need to lock each wheel midships before you can use the other one?

Sorry for the long winded explanation but it's a bit hard to explain.



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6 Nov 2005
Boat sold ! me Leeds
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Hi Rory, welcome,
Think a bit more info will assist as a starting point.
Exact type and model of boat, any marks or makers stamps on the steering system / wheels ?
Does the system have any kind of changeover to isolate either wheel etc


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29 Aug 2002
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She's a 1986 Princess 30DS. However, the flybridge looks like it may have been an optional extra or a later addition. Not sure of the steering maker. Also, there aren't any engine controls up top, so maybe it was a half finished project.

As far as I can see, both cables go straight back to the rudder without anything on the way

Maybe All I need is a simple way of locking both wheels and to make sure I lock each one midships before I use the other?

Thanks for your help


New member
11 Aug 2004
Leicester - boat on Hamble
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Also, there aren't any engine controls up top, so maybe it was a half finished project.

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