DSC Talks


New member
5 Sep 2003
DSC Talks

Are any clubs looking for a evening talks?

We here at Icom offer "FREE" DSC talks.

We have been doing them for about 18months or so now with some great feedback.

I would like to stress it is not a sales talk from Icom, it is a talk about DSC.
How it works,
The pro's and con's,
How it effects you,
And a bit about us.

Lasts about 1.5hrs.
Great filler for those winter club nights.

If anyone is interested please contact me or Phil Holmes here at Icom.


<hr width=100% size=1>Jon Brooks
Marine Dealer Manager
Icom UK Ltd.
01227 741741


New member
27 Aug 2003
Shoreham again
Re: DSC Talks

Hi Jon,
I was one of the voluable females last night at SYC. The consensus was, while it was a useful talk, there was too much about ICOM as a company, and as we were all raggies, we really are not much interested in all that powerboat/rib/jetski rubbish.

But thanks again for the helpful information

<hr width=100% size=1>clouty


New member
5 Sep 2003
Re: DSC Talks

Hi Jane

Thank you for the feedback.

We feel it is important to include info about us as a company.
Who were are, where we came from, everything that we do.
It helps to give the full picture of Icom and our ethos.
Most in the marine world only know us as a marine radio comany.
We are far more than that.
This is the first negative feedback to this section of the talk.

I was lead to understand that it was a mixed bag of raggies and divers last night.
I am sorry you felt the Powerboat/Rib/PWC info was rubbish.
It is a shame that some people can be blinkered to their own area of boating.
We all share the sea.
I am guessing that might feel the same regarding the Raggie info although I have never had it said to me.

Once again thank you for the constructive feedback, it has all been noted.

Kind regards

<hr width=100% size=1>Jon Brooks
Marine Dealer Manager
Icom UK Ltd.
01227 741741<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by JonBrooks on 16/12/2004 16:38 (server time).</FONT></P>


New member
27 Aug 2003
Shoreham again
Re: DSC Talks

Sorry about the use of the word rubbish - fired off this between jobs, should have chosen a word that was less likely to be misinterpreted.

I simply suggest that you pitch your presentation to the audience. We are a yacht club, yes we have a divers section, many of whom also sail. There was a lot of discussion in the bar after your talk, I feel it is valuable to let you know the consensus.

Icom should of course outline their history, ethos etc, but as the talk was sold as one on DSC, perhaps that part of the presentation should predominate.

Again, thanks for your time.

<hr width=100% size=1>clouty


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
Visit site
Re: DSC Talks

How can you say sailors are "blinkerd" Having almost been run down by powerboats that cant stay in the que to leave port overtaking and using the side ment for boats coming in and might and money prevail. Then later anchoring in a quite bay--untill 7am when the jet skis come out, followed about 9am with fully loaded diving RIBs pass at full speed tipping the coffee everywhere
Switch on my radio to find that all the boat have waterproof icom handhelds and can hog all channels descibing to there freinds listening on a fixed icom how they just did some amazing thing!
Switch on my SSB, every frequency full of those discusing the benifits of a broad band 706 against a 700
Im sure a free talks great but To much about ribs and motor boats id boring and they buy icom any way
Why dont you tell us why we should use icom on a small sail boat? By the way my icom m7 was not water proof, i caught the anntena on my guard rail and it flipped into the water! why? a jet ski had just passed

<hr width=100% size=1>liveaboard