Dolphin Cruiser


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20 Feb 2003
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Does anyone have any information regarding Dolphin Cruisers, I have recently come accross a circa 1970 style 23' centre cockpit one and was wondering if anyone might have a picture or some idea as to what they looked like when new, it is with regard a restoration project thanks,

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30 Nov 2001
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I had a Dolphin 20 in the early 80's and for a brief period ran an owners club.
They were built by Brooklands Marine Avaition between late 50's into the early 70's all of marine ply although later ones were GRP hulled with wooden superstructures.
They breakdown into a 16 ft aft cockpit, 19ft aft cockpit, this later became a 20ft. A 23/24ft Centre cockpit which sound like what you have all of these are 6ft 10inch beam in other word narrow canal compatable. Also a 23/24 Aft cockpit wide beam.
Built by a company who built aircraft hence the name and built to a very high standard with good materials hence still a fair few about.
Some of the 20's and 23/24s were inboard engines with z drives, some Ford on Enfeild legs and some OMC & Mercruiser. Max of about 120BHP on the later.
They were buit on quite a production line I did have some pictures but I dsposed of them some time ago.

As for a picture maybe Byron will have one he can post and MBM did a test of one [htm][/htm] theirs a back issue you can buy.


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16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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<font color=blue>Phew! Jim (tr7v8) has given you all the griff. I can probably hook out weights etc. if you need them. You should be able to buy it for a song.

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30 Nov 2001
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From memory my 20ft was plated as 15CWT about 750Kg, I'd guess the centre cocpit must be getting on for about 18-20cwts about 1000g tops. This is for the inboard version. A thought occurs to me in that they also I believe made a few raggie versions I assume that this is a power boat you're looking at?
If you're looking at a center cockpit or any for that matter the weak spot seems to be the transom and where it joins to the side and bottom. Do a good self survey and look for delaminated ply in this area. A lot of softwood here could mean you're either buying a big DIY project or a lot of firewood. The other area that gives grief is the areas covered by Trackmark anti slip, this is PVC and splits over time and the water gets underneath and rots the wood from within, this could be cabin roof or deck.
If you're serious and aren't a milion miles away I could come over and have a look for you if you wsh.
Bloody good boat in my opinion.


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