Dodgy loo and winch



The head on my Westerly 30 is quite old approx 29n years the inlet valve is ok, but the outlet is siezed shut, it is glassed in to the hull and is a gate type I believe.

Even with the help of a plumber I still cant budge it, any ideas!

Secondly the port winch which is TUFNOL. The inners of which there isnt much off appear to be missing,Their should be 3 brass levers with springs attached, their are only 2.

These are also worn, if anybody knows where I can start looking for these I would appreciate some help. Thanking you all in anticipation.


Well-known member
7 Jun 2001
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Welcome to the joys of older-boat ownership!

Chasing parts is what it is all about.

If you really cannot shift the nut on the seacock, then my advice is hacksaw it out. Do not waste time trying to apply heat, this is unlikely to work and could damage the hull. Hacksawing will wreck the skin fitting, but this is no big deal, it is little harder to replace than the sea-cock itself. You can again glass the new one in for security, but normally a good adhesive filler like Sikaflex should be sufficient for full water-tightness. If you go for another gate-valve, avoid the poor-quality 'Made in Italy' versions and promise yourself that in future you will strip it at least every three years. Or if money and space allow, fit a decent Blakes Type valve.

For your winch, if it is salvable find a local metal fabricators and take along one of the existing levers and springs. Actually, it can be a swine to persuade them to take on small jobs. Taking a pretty girl with you to do the talking, helps. I try to save this sort of thing for when we visit poorer countries with decent blacksmiths. The alternative is to look round places like Aladins Cave in Burseledon or just possibly one of the larger boat jumbles, where you may if you are lucky find a matching winch.


Re: Welcome to the joys of older-boat ownership!

Andrew, thanks for the info, where do I look for a pretty girl!!


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3 Jul 2004
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On the subject of gate valves and older boats, gate valves are an abomination on a boat, the shaft always corrodes and then stays open or shut.
Fit a new skin fitting and then attatch a ball valve, no more problems. From one who has been there!.
Regards Ray Jones.


Thanks brother nomads, will give it a whirl, will take paws off when onboard next, a job for nomad bumpy on his return.