Changing the alternator on a John Deere 4045 today. The new one should be indentical. Only more copper on windings, making it able to output 108A versus 65A on the stock one. Dealer fitted the new one with a Java Sea external regulator, to avoid the thing from burning up when I complete my LP battery bank which it will have to charge from time to time. Having put everything in place, I see(first I heard it) that there is a misalignment between the serpentine belt pulleys. Turns out thew alternator pulley is now recessed 2,5mm due to the old fan having a integrated shim that I failed to pay attention to when moving the pulley.
I now have the options to either put the old fan on the new alternator, or use new fan, and a washer. Does it matter what I do? How bad would it be to just leave it misaligned? The nearest pulley is 25cm away, edge to edge.
The two placed aside

Old fan. Dirty, but all intact.

The reason behind current misalignment

Distance between pulleys.
I now have the options to either put the old fan on the new alternator, or use new fan, and a washer. Does it matter what I do? How bad would it be to just leave it misaligned? The nearest pulley is 25cm away, edge to edge.
The two placed aside

Old fan. Dirty, but all intact.

The reason behind current misalignment

Distance between pulleys.