Diesel heater not firing up


Well-known member
13 Aug 2010
Bristol / Cornwall
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How much of that is a reflection on the folks themselves, and the knowledge of their equipment? There are an awful lot of people around, on these forums and in clubs and yards who know that a kettle boils water but not how.
"A bad workman blames the tools"!!
Difficult to tell. I advise all who comlain to make sre supply cable is actual heavy duty, and the need to keep guaze clean. Those who are most in need of technology are often those with least comprehension of it. Either way the ebi is not entirely a trouble free beast, but then again my charcoal heater is a pain and fills cabin with smoke while taking 15 minutes to get going - I think it was a bad copy of Hampshire Heaters version

Johnny V

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30 Jan 2012
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Can I jump in on this please as there's a lot of knowledge around! My MVHydro, basically a Mikuni 5kw boiler is misbehaving in an odd way today. Whenever I've had problems in the past the digital controller gives me a fault code but today the display is quite happily doing it's 30 minute timer count down but the heater isnt even going into its start sequence. With no code because the "brain" presumably thinks everything is dandy, I'm wondering where to start!

SV Trumpeter

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10 Feb 2025
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Really strange one here with my Webasto Thermo 90S. Refuses to fire unless the fan is pulled back to allow additional airflow. Fires up within 40s with the fan cracked open otherwise no ignition..... It will even fire late in the start cycle (2m10s) once the fan is cracked open. After ignition it goes really well, cycling on and off with the HW & central heating. Fan is bolted back down tight as soon as it fires, before the 100% power part of the start.
  • The burner is clean all holes clear,
  • The heat exchanger is clean,
  • There is no carbon on the evaporator gauze,
  • Fuel is flowing nicely,
  • Glow plug works well - tested off unit,
  • Flame sensor works fine - tested off unit,
  • Voltages are fine.
  • Big fan O ring is in good shape.
Took the air inlet hose completely off but the unit still requires the fan to be cracked open to get ignition. In my head this feels like an over rich fuel mixture in the combustor but can't see how to affect that with the gauze. After a couple of fail starts, the fan trick works and then the smoke screen starts for 10 minutes as the rest of fuel is burnt off. Tried tweaked the rotation of the glow plug and adjusting the bracket to get it properly close home.

We are in the Caribbean with 28C 82F ambient, but that shouldn't make too much difference?

Any other ideas? Opening up the lazarette and taking the heater apart every time we want hot water is a bit of a pain. Heading north soon and will need the hot water and central heating after 3 years in the Caribbean.