Dieppe sortie.



Decided to make a sortie over the channel while the weather is settled. We left on Monday bound for Dieppe from Brighton, full tanks & plenty of sun tan lotion due to that bright orange UFO making an appearance so rarely.
We left at 10 bells on a direct heading for Dieppe, 3 souls on board. The tide was coming in so we were getting pushed in the right direction. The sea conditions were perfect when we left the sea looked like a ice rink. The first part was very uneventful until mid channel when the north wind took effect so it started rock'n'roll a bit. We noticed we were leaving a lot of black smoke behind us & on the boat . By this time black soot was covering everything inside & out. The saloon cabins & even the food in the fridge was covered in diesel soot.
Two miles from Dieppe we radioed the Dieppe harbour for permission to enter the harbour as requested in the almanac, permission was given to enter , so we proceded into the harbour only to see the ferry manouvering to depart we then get the usual two finger salutes from the fishermen on the harbour wall, and the gap between the wall and the ferry getting smaller , so we open up the throttles & get through. We look like the red arrow display team with the black smoke following us.
Finally we find a berth after the marina sends us up several dead ends . We end up berthed in a cul-de- sac and later have 2 boats rafted next to us.
Now for the good bit lots of booze , fruits de mer & horse steaks . The French go in for circuses and Dieppe is no exception lots of Lions ,tigers, panthers and elephants in cages on the beach. Great opportunity for animal rights activists to have a legitamite go at the French.
Anyway more vino & cocktails we head back to the boat. Tomorrows another day.
If you want to make money in France open a greasy spoon it's impossible to get a breakfast. In a cafe you have to buy a croissant in a bakers and then take it to a coffee bar.
On our return we filled with French diesel, 70 gallons we head out of harbour to be confroted with a force 4-5 wind on the nose. We punch through with the black smoke trailing behind 2 miles out we decide to head for Eastbourne aS we are only making `12 knots. Black smoke still billowing. 10 into journey sea settles so we change direction to Brighton hopeing we have enough fuel, storm clouds on the horizon but still smiling and down to 10 knots crossing shiping lanes . Frank Sinatra still playing on . 5 hours later back in marina . Hate the boat up for sale, 12 kts average everything black even butter in fridge.
Cut a long story short . Next day find water in bow bilges full over 100 gals of water. Thus keeping bow in water and not burning fuel properly and air filters
black . So stupidity spoilt great opportunity to enjoy ourselves. The joys of boating.

Anyone want to buy a P35!


Mark sorry to hear about your problem trip. Do you know what caused the 100 galls in the front bilge ?
On mine there is a tube which takes any water from the bow section back to the aft bilge pump.
Maybe yours has'nt got one of these. Anyway would like to know how the water got in your front bilge.

By the way did you find out where your vibrations were coming from ?

How far is Brighton to Dieppe ? I guess you needed fuel at Dieppe on account of your small tanks.

"The Med is calling me"


Can't understand the lack of comment yet from hlb ?

"The Med is calling me"


Re: Dieppe sortie.hlb

Can't understand the lack of comment from our old mate hlb on this what with P35 and all ?

"The Med is calling me"


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: Dieppe sortie.hlb

Ok, I'm cumin, I,m cumin!! Cant blame P35 for black smoke or some plonker Putting 165HP in it. Though V*l*o Maybe blamed.
All front bilges should be dry as snuff and no there aint a pipe running back. Else if one hole, all boat would go down instead
of just a bit of it. Can understand going into harbour with black smoke pouring out, but going out of harbour into rough sea with engine problems seems a bit under cautious. Cant understand 100 gallons of water in bilge less a bit closer to ferry than first thought!!! Or maybe left port hole open?? I've buried mine with three feet of green sea over the deck many times. Dont get any water in. Not going to find many boats that you can blam straight into a f5 thats coming all the way from England to France without slowing down a bit or breaking every pot on the blumin boat. But not many others positively love a F7 on the tail. Course you have to keep above 20 knots or they start catching up! Try zig zagging through the waves if right on nose. much better than trying to beat them to death!!
Not surprised it only did 12 knots with 100 gallon in the front bilge though!!

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Re: Dieppe sortie.hlb

hlb yer still can't imagine where the 100 galls came from Mark has'nt answered yet
my pipe leads to the aft bilge pump by the way which seems to make sense.

"The Med is calling me"


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: Dieppe sortie.hlb

Naa! Front bilge is seperate or should be. With a bulk head. (where you go down the steps). If it aint got one you sink instead of just nearly sink. Lot of difference!! Bet his SHMBO left the front port holes open and the water sloshed through them.

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----- I'm a Volunteer!!!



Re: Dieppe sortie.hlb

Re: front bilges on P35. If front bilges are ment to be dry why are they there ? They must collect water from some source. Or do you think it could be an internal leak say with the fresh water system . No obvious signs.
We do wash decks down with hose liberally. Any clues Hadyn ?


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: Dieppe sortie.hlb

Front bilge is there in case you get a hole in the boat, also cos if it was'nt there the kitchen floor would be lumpy and SHMBO would fall over making the tea!! For the first time in four years my front bilge is a bit damp, but thats because we washed it out after a few problems with the holding tank pipes. Other than that it's bone dry and always has been. No reason for water being there. Less, hole in botttom. Porthole left open. Some one has had umpteen showers and not used the shower pump?? Toilet inlet valve leaking? What ever it is it neads finding quick or your going to sink!! Hose pipe should make no difference at all, less shoving it through port hole for hour or two! You can bury the whole blummin boat under water and it should not leak much. You get a bit of water in aft bilge cos you forgot to keep taking the fluff out of the drain strainers. But theres an auto pump down there if you do. There is always water in the engine room cos the stern glands always leak a bit, but again theres a pump. Nothing forward of that to leak so no pump, less hole in bottom, then pump no good cos would never keep up with hole!!
Investigate sharpish. Porthole. Toilet. Shower. Water Pipes. But 100 gallon is a hell of a lot of fresh water!!

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----- I'm a Volunteer!!!
