Well-known member
I see a problem with bringing the reef out of the side of the boom, (if I'm understanding this correctly) You may not get enough of a horizontal pull aft of the clew. Having the reef lines coming out the aft of the boom is the best way to have good foot tension in the sail. As in normal set up like thisI'm adding a third reef to the main. I've had the work done on the sail, now I need to modify the boom.
The existing reef lines are run through what I would call bullseyes, which are simple low friction eyes riveted in to the side of the boom. Yes I know some form of block would be better but it works well enough and it's quite neat.
I can't find any for sale anywhere, and a Google search turns up skateboard wheel bearings for some reason.
Is there another name for them? And suggestions for a source in Spain (can't find them on SVB)