You have already paid for yours up front, the ones in the newsagents bring in more cash so they have priority. OK I know I am a cynic but that is why I did not renew my subscription.
The one thing that annoys me is seeing the mag on sale while I am waiting for the delivery, after all, that is the reason for the subscriptions, and no, mine has still to arrive (PBO always makes it days before YM).
If it were not for the discount I would prefer to pick it up as soon as it did hit the bookstand
Delivery of magazine subscriptions is often outsourced by publishers to third-party firms charmingly termed fulfilment houses. Their interest is to despatch them as cheaply as possible and publishers want to pay least possible too and are not always good at keeping them up to publication dates etc. every month.
Delivery of magazine subscriptions is often outsourced by publishers to third-party firms charmingly termed fulfilment houses. Their interest is to despatch them as cheaply as possible and publishers want to pay least possible too and are not always good at keeping them up to publication dates etc. every month.
Delivery of magazine subscriptions is often outsourced by publishers to third-party firms charmingly termed fulfilment houses. Their interest is to despatch them as cheaply as possible and publishers want to pay least possible too and are not always good at keeping them up to publication dates etc. every month.
What has happened over the years is that the length of time taken to get through the wholesaler -- retailer supply chain has shortened considerably, allowing us to move magazine production dates closer to actual on sale dates so that you get more up-to-date news, brokerage and the like. The problem is there has been no matching speed bump in subs; the ink is usually just dry before they get stuffed in envelopes and they are then in the hands of the postal services who, as you might be aware, have not noticeably upped their game over the past few years.
If we are printing later in the cycle, it follows we are mailing later in the cycle, although generally enough time is left on the schedule to achieve the benchmark which is to have the issue in your hands by the on sale date. We never sell subs on the basis of you receiving it early -- if anyone thinks they have been sold a subscription on that basis I would genuinely like to hear when it happened so we can investigate. We do however offer discounts and the convenience of home delivery as the key reasons for subscribing.
We do use a third party to handle our subscription orders, a long standing arrangement with a company called Quadrant. As with all such deals we have our ups and downs, but it would be wrong to assume we want to treat subscribers like third class citizens. In fact one of the things I'm involved with right now is a series of meetings looking at how we can improve the online elements of the subscription service.
I'm not sure why PBO is not on your mats this morning but I will ask.
There were some issues with show orders that are just becoming obvious on here; I have been dealing with a few and will willingly chase answers if there are any uncertainties. Anyone who has a subscription commencing December will see the count of magazines purchased commence from then.
I also invite anyone who thinks they have a specific subs issue to PM me, or to use the feedback email and telephone links that you'll find on every magazine subscription page on their sites -- in the case of PBO == <A target="_blank" HREF=http:///>http:///</A>
Mine arrived and I hadn't even renewed my subscription! Of course that's another matter... however, FWIW I think the practical content of PBO has weakened considerably over the past year and I have decided to look at it on the newstand before deciding whether to buy . Sometimes it's too much like a watered-down copy of Yachting Monthly. Every year there are two or three issues which offer little, and I reckon avoiding them easily compensates for the loss of the subscription rate.
Copies were mailed on schedule this Tuesday, same day they were sent to newsagents...apologies, it would seem they are taking longer than usual to arrive this month.
Mine also arrived today opened it up first 17 pages fell out, tried to read it but ended up with ink on my fingers and smudged text .I know they are in a hurry to get the issue to us but let the ink dry first.
Hi Kim, I have been a subscriber to PBO for a good many years and have to say I'm happy with the service I get. One point I would raise though is, why do we now get each issue a month early? For donkeys years (for example) the December issue would be on the shelf/doormat mid November so at least the date bore some resemblance to the date on the cover. I kinda dislike getting it so early. Sailing Today comes at the beginning of the previous month too. No doubt the blame is something to do with the printers or the sheer number of titles involved but would have thought a company like IPC could dictate schedules. (And don't tell me to put it in a drawer till December!) /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
It's a historical thing, pretty much all mags, not just boating ones. Competitors to ipc bring out their mags a few days earlier to get onto shelves earlier, so people buy competitor mags, and not ipc's.
So ipc retaliate, and birng theirs out even earlier, and so on!
It is, as someone has said, a bit of a historical thing.
When mags get into competition it's a well known fact that you can make some headway by going on sale ahead of your competition. Trouble is, after a few years, just how early can you get?
The answer to that question in fact can be found on the bookstands -- a lot earlier even than PBO. Some specialist interest mags seem to be about six weeks ahead of cover date (PBO is about three).
Can assure you I know of no plans to go earlier again with any of the boating titles -- they've hit a status quo and in fact have been timed so that there is a relatively even spread of on sale dates through the month, so that readers of more than one title get a more even spread of reading.
Funny enough in PBO's case they run an issue number system quite strongly, so the month perhaps is less important to them.
One title I work on publishes seven times a year...some consumer mags here produce 13 issues a year (one every four weeks) -- naming those is real fun!