Data base


Well-known member
7 Dec 2002
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Looking back over the 7/8 months I have been participating in this forum, two things strike me :

(1) the depth of general as well as specific knowledge of the Scuttlebutters and,

(2) the amount of repetition of queries.

It would be wonderful if somebody had the time to compile a data base of the really useful knowledge, contacts , web sites etc. where one could consolidate and build upon this knowledge. I know you can do searches but you risk passing something by if the description is slightly different.

Another thing that strikes me is the propensity of members to try to have the last word. So I propose that the person who has the last word on any thread (where there at least 10 postings) buys the other posters a drink. I'm sure Kim could devise a way to keep score. You could net off drinks mutually owed.


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Active member
27 Feb 2003
Hampshire, UK
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Re the data base, I fear it is doomed to failure. People prefer to have their questions answered directly, rather than search fo a similar question, 'cos then they know that the answer really does apply to them. After all, there are whole books on the shelves of your local chandlery on "how to mend your boat" that never get bought.

After all, if you could extrapolate from XXX's Yanmar overheating to your Volvo overheating problem you would probably know enough about engines not to need to ask in the first place. Similarly for where to find a left-handed winch handle in Auchtermuchty.

And there will always be people willing to answer them, however repetitious it may be, because it is nice to be asked as if you are an expert OR because said experts like to appear in print.

Regarding having the last word, would anyone else care to comment (please).

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Active member
24 Feb 2003
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and we already have a database, this forum is based on one, and whether you search this or a custom made one it will only produce the same results.

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