Only if neither is the skipper, I believe. If it was a Friday night crossover, it could get legally very messy as well as unsettling the crew. Honeymoon in Cherbourg and a brief mention in YM by Ken? I expect more than that from my manette.
Rest of crew gets seasick while boat berthed in marina in Cherbourg. Maybe a boaty version of Meatloaf's Paradise by the Dashboard Light gets played on sail home (non Meatloaf fans look at <A target="_blank" HREF=></A> ).
Years ago we were berthed across the walkway from a boat with an owner around mid 50's and girlfriend about 20. They had a skipper sailing the boat for them - after their first night in port the skipper couldn't stand it any more and found a less steamy boat to sleep on for the duration of their stay.
<hr width=100% size=1>I am the cat but I am only 6.