Curse on the one who would steal a blge pump


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9 Dec 2001
Northern Ireland
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Someone nicked my bilge pump! The boat was at Ballyronan, Lough Neagh under reasonable security so I must assume it may be the same individual who nicked my step ladder i.e. one of my 'fellow' berth holders. Now, I was a bit reticent about doing this but these individuals leave me no option so here goes.

"I hope you have pleasure from your ill gotten gains for as long as fate allows and that the ladder will not topple nor the bilge pump fail when you need it most but if these things do pass I hope the consequences are tenfold to the consequences left to me when you stole my property."

This has never failed. Within one year, someone responsible for these thefts will experience the fates they deserve. The curse cannot be lifted but the consequences can be reduced if the property returned...

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Active member
26 Jun 2003
Portsmouth, UK
Nice one! Is this curse copyrighted or can anyone use it at need? My partner is a witch of the nicest sort so she can probably cast it effectively. Hope your bilge pump returns soon and unhexed.

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Well-known member
22 Jan 2004
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Who, in gods name, would steal a bilge pump???

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1 Jan 2002
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A few years ago I had my dinghy stolen and a copper from the marine branch told me he'd had all sorts of single items stolen in the area around the boat (it was in Bradwell at the time - a relatively low risk area). He said he seriously thought someone was outfitting a boat by nicking the kit from other people's boats. It beggars belief!

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16 May 2001
S. Yorkshire / Devon
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What kind of education.......

....are you involved in to belive that laying a 'curse' over the internet will do the slightest bit of good??????

I fully endorse the sentiment, indeed makes you wonder if you had a dodgy ladder or intermittant bilge pump it might one day just serve 'em right, but a curse? Honestly.

If you must waste the effort, how about a bit of serious detective work?

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New member
9 Dec 2001
Northern Ireland
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Re: What kind of education.......

...the kind of education that promotes good is easy, nay essential, in the material world of today for some to ignore the spiritual/moral dimension of our existence. They know the spiritual dimension exists but they choose to ignore it.

Those individuals concerned in these thefts know of the curse/hex upon them so as and when their fate changes due to their actions they have time to reflect on their behaviour.

The educational bit comes from the fact this curse can form the basis of a behavioural modification technique founded on cognitive reflection on one's own actions to others via a process of anchored instruction ( the curse being the anchor).

If and when some ill befalls them and they relate this ill to their actions then they shall change their behaviour so as not to incur further ill.

Anyway, it makes me feel good...

I hope this helps...

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New member
16 May 2001
S. Yorkshire / Devon
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Fascinating stuff.

"They know the spiritual dimension exists but they choose to ignore it."

Can't the same spiritual dimension provide YOU with details of who THEY are?

"Those individuals concerned in these thefts know of the curse/hex upon them".

Couse they do, unless they own classic boats and read the Classic Boat forum 'cos you didn't put the curse on there.

"so as and when their fate changes due to their actions they have time to reflect on their behaviour".

Can't this spiritual dimension thing hurry things along a bit and deliver a premature sinking or topple from a step ladder? Also can the spiritual dimension book the date and time so anyone who is genuinely intertested can turn up to see this marvel of come-uppance?

I sincerly wish you luck, in your wishes for others ill-luck.

As for the moral dimension, isn't this a bit 'bad form'. 'Reap and you will sow', 'do unto others' etc. Are you entirely happy with your moral standpoint on this issue. Surely bringing them before the judiciary and acheiving whatever damages they are able to provide would be a far better moral standpoint.

For all you know they may be victims of a poor upbringing, or suffered similar thefts themselves. Perhaps counselling would be better than justice under the law, or at the very least befriending the miscreants and guiding them towards a better way.

Curses and hexes (if there is such a word or spelling) seem a bit of an extreme behavioural modification technique, even if it is "founded on cognitive reflection on one's own actions to others via a process of anchored instruction ( the curse being the anchor)."

Anyway, I hope this all helps.......

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