Cruising to the Azores… and Back 2024

Devon Boy

7 Feb 2022
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Hi All,

Whilst chatting to a friend of mine who is looking to build up some experience the prospect of doing a cruise to the Azores & back next year cropped up.

Is anyone else looking to head to the Azores next year? We are more than happy to do it as a single vessel trip and it is only a potential at the moment but a “cruise in company” is always nice.



Well-known member
26 Jul 2023
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A mate of mine was keen to go a few years back, I was considering going with them, work permitting.
It was kyboshed by a long period of very light forecasts.


Well-known member
16 May 2004
Azores, Terceira.
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That was our plan, sail out 2014, return to the north after more sailing in the Azores in 2015. We achieved the first part but failed to attempt the last stage, just headed back to Praia da Vitoria. We are still here, and see no reason to be heading back north.
Am happy to answer questions if it will help.

Nina Lucia

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17 Jul 2005
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Hi All,

Whilst chatting to a friend of mine who is looking to build up some experience the prospect of doing a cruise to the Azores & back next year cropped up.

Is anyone else looking to head to the Azores next year? We are more than happy to do it as a single vessel trip and it is only a potential at the moment but a “cruise in company” is always nice.

It would be lovely! I really thought about it! Can you please pm me your plans

Hi All,

Whilst chatting to a friend of mine who is looking to build up some experience the prospect of doing a cruise to the Azores & back next year cropped up.

Is anyone else looking to head to the Azores next year? We are more than happy to do it as a single vessel trip and it is only a potential at the moment but a “cruise in company” is always nice


Well-known member
27 Apr 2006
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By vertue of an update. We spent 2 months in the Azores from the end of May to the first week in August. We had a fantastic time. It's a splendid place to cruise a boat. It cheap as well. Marina cost for a 44ft boat are €26/night. Steak is as cheap as chicken. The wine is excellent and cheap. The Azores has a cost of living 17% lower than mainland Portugal. Eating out is far cheaper than the UK.
I was surprised at how good the weather was. By August, the weather was very similar to Caribbean winter temperatures with a sea temperature of 24degC and air temperatures of circa 27degC every day.
We left Terceira and had a 7 day passage to Ireland. A little narly for a couple of days as we got the inevitable impact of depressions crossing our track so some lumpy seas and plenty of breeze. Now back on dry land in the UK and had my first night in a land bed for 2 years.