cruising South Brittany


16 May 2001
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The last time I was down on the west coast of France was 10 years ago. The week after next we are heading for Vannes. August is always a bit crowded in France but can anyone who was there last august give me an idea of where its likely to be quieter and where very busy, where to avoid etc. we were thinking of going to Audierne, Houat, Houdec, Iles Glenans, Morbihan, Auray river, maybe Belle Ile.


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26 Mar 2002
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You could try some of the quiet anchorages inside the Morbhian especially at the back of Ile Das. Other than that you are going to find everywhere very busy as it's in the middle of there prime holiday season.

There are also some very good anchorages in the Bai de Dournenez. Morgat is also often quieter than the rest. Peter Cumbridges book on anchorages in this area is very good.

The only way to go is by water

Deleted User YDKXO

We visited the area 3 yrs ago in August. Belle Ile was hideously crowded and total choas even on the weekday nights we were there. I would avoid it. Port Crouesty at the entrance to the Morbihan was also very full but we managed to squeeze in. The Morbihan itself was also crowded but we found plenty of daytime anchorages. Houat and Hoedic were delightful but dont expect any secluded anchorages
Basically, everywhere you go in France in August is crowded and you just have to adopt a somewhat philosophical attitude to it if you're not going to let it spoil your holiday


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13 Nov 2001
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Peter Cumberlidge's book Secret Anchorages of Brittany is good. Iles des Glenans can be crowded and noisy at night - try the smaller Iles Aux moutons which lies between the coast and glenans. It offers reasonable anchorages in calm conditions but you should move on if a blow is forecast.

Loctudy with ile Tudy opposite makes a more tranquil alternative to Benodet. Try to avoid arriving when the fishing fleet return home at around tea time.

Dinner at the Hotel Moderne overlooing the stone quay at Ile Tudy is fun, especially for seafood.

Concarneau worth a visit - I always found a berth even in mid August.

Have fun.


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20 Nov 2001
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We were there in August last year. There were new pontoons in Audierne and finding a berth was no problem.

Loc Tudy was crowded, but not a great problem. Our visit coincided with a Breton folk festival on Ile Tudy which was an excellent experience.

Belle Ile was a zoo, don't bother in August.

Hope you have fair winds and a good trip.


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30 May 2001
high and dry on north island
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We go every August and will also be going again this year. Peter Cumberlidges book is very helpful and delightful anchorages is what we go to Southern Britanny for. Also the French pilots on sale in all the chandleries for around £12 ea are excellent (and I suspect the source for a lot of Peter C's info) and show many many anchorages. Even Belle Isle is OK if you avoid the harbours at Le Palais, Sauzon and the famous anchorage at Ster Wen/Ster Vras, that still leaves lots of anchorages on both sides of the Island. Port Yor'c is only 2mls from Le Palais and usually empty (anchorage, not a port). The marinas are crowded but usually you can find a space especially when the weather is good as everyone else is out sailing, if bad weather is forecast, don't be the last one in!

Our favourites are Houat, Hoedic, Belle Isle, Glenans, Morgat plus for more close encounters of the Marina kind, Crouesty, Concarneau, Port La Foret, sometimes La Trinite. Don't bother much these days inside the Morbihan unless the weather is poor (not very often) then use Vannes. Auray is OK but pricey restaurants in the quay area and a lowish bridge to contend with (a problem with our new boat).

Have a good time, give us a wave if you see 'Heartbeat', Sun Legende 41 from Poole.


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30 May 2001
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We're off there this Wednesday for 4 weeks - Basing at La Trinite but hoping to spend most of the time out in the Islands - Houat and Houdec are always good but are busy at this time of year. I may try le Palais but will probably anchor outside rather than work my way through the zoo. I'd love to get up to Vanne but the boat draws 2.4m so its a little tight