We are sailing from Scotland to Northern Spain via Southern Ireland on the 20th July on our Moody 419. We require 1 experienced crew, return fare paid.
I am interested in your proposed voyage to Spain and have the time to be involved.
I have the RYA shorebased Day and Coastal skipper certs. from Fleetwood Nautical College.
I have some experience from Skipool into the Irish sea from the River Wyre as well as the odd weeks crewing charted boats from Crinan. Otherwise the bulk of my time has been on a large ketch in the med.
my name is george i am 42 years of age i am from liverpool
i have my yachtmaster theory and day skipper practicul
and desperetly need more miles and expseriance so i can go in for my
yachtmaster practical so i would be very intrested in crewing for you if it was possible thank you george