Can I do the Catering? I can do Welsh raerbit, leek soup ,lobotomy scouse, all sorts of things with a sheep and Ive got a really good tin opener for the FB
anyone who's laid back, not a hot head or a 'you don't want to do it like that' type of "EXPERT"!!!
If possible, always try a couple of days sailing with a new crewmember before embarking on a crossing. Cos, when you've set off, it's a bitch to have to come back to port or divert to drop off someone you consider to be a total w*****!
I'm sticking with saily types here, rather than mobo's which is a shame, as it would open up all sorts of other options.
Zefender as skipper. I've sailed with him, and he is the perfect example of what a skipper should be. Considerate, great cook, and takes decisions quickly and decisively and makes you feel welcome and wanted, while making the hard decisions about passage, boat and crew. No farting around in the early hours of the morning, you get up and leave at the agreed time, and make coffee while underway and getting boat sorted, then breakfast is sorted later. My kind of skipper.
Paddywackcocker as mechanic. He knows his stuff, and is great fun, and you know anything he works on will function later. (BarryH and Col would also be contenders here, if not for my self imposed limit on mainly raggie types)
Scottish clan and tcm. For entertainment value, keeping everyone on board entertained, and ensuring no one becomes bored, and cooking some chicken dish they seem addicted to.
Dom. Sail tweaker and tactics. He appears to be a great sailor from the one time I've met him, and also interesting and fun guy.
JohnM and TwisterKen to write up the adventure.
Crewgirl, Becky, PaulineB and Stellagirl to even up the odds a bit
Then I'd start working on general crew I'd like along just for the ride. Mirelle for his general attitude towards sailing, and maybe to persuade the skipper to use sail more than iron sail! <g>
Bambola, Mr Luther <g>, Snowleopard, and a host of others who have skills that overlap an dhave experience of blue water cruising.
Me, I'll just empty the slop buckets once in a while, and do watches as well as winch fodder
Excellent plan. I'm not sure if she qualifies as a regular on here, though she does get plenty of "honourable mentions" and starts as many good arguments as the average forumite so perhaps she should be included.
Why thank you. I would be a very good crewgirl. Also thank you for being the only proper response.
It is very difficult to make a list of peeps when you have never met them. But I would include the usual suspects of Claymore, Jimi, TCM, BrendanS, Robin, and Bignick to mention only the ones who come immediately to mind. Then the girls, Stellagirl, PaulineB, Clouty and we couldn't forget Powerskipper who could look after the engine if nothing else on a saily boat. Trouble is I could make several other lists of equally worthy peeps from the other regulars. Oh well, you never know, one day I might meet one or two of you./forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
To be honest, Richard (JRT) is quite a hard act to follow.
OK, so how about putting some of this to the test? West to East transat departing July from the Chesapeake via Bermuda and Azores. Preference to given to anyone who is prepared to come and help shake down the boat in the weeks before. I'll be there from the early of May. Any takers??