Crew call la Rochelle to Canaries 20th July to 10th August


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Fancy a trip anyone? No sooner have we landed than the boat is off again on another transatlantic whirl. Depending on whhere the boat is,we start from sabls d'onne, or forty miles southin la rochelle and take it to canaries.

The idea is that this trip gets t'boat to the Canaries, we dump it there and then later another not-this trip will await nice transat weather late november perhaps or december.

Now,unfortunately, as swmbo wisely texted me even before we had landed inbound from Azores, she can't make this trip, hm no, very unfortunate see cos the kids have something on that means she has to be at home, oh yes, and i spect that oh dear she won't be able to make the transat either except with several jet engines either harump, although that didn't stop her nipping off to switzerland eh whilst we were transat, hm ?

Er anyway, I have to get this boat to the canaries, ready for transat later in the year.

For reference, it is 50foot cat, 7months old and already done two transats, sleeps seven realy tho four quite very comfy, gas cooking, fridge and freezer and 100L/hour watermaker and (hopefully after yard work in france ) aircon in cabins too. Oh and loads of safetyy stuff too, although yet again, call me an old stick-in-the-mud if you must - but but I plan to keep it nice and completely unused. Latsx time we even scoffed the spare grab-bag hobnobs as we got closer to france, and when thirty miles offshore we polishd them all off.

Aircon in the cabins might seem a bit like too-excessive luxury but you'd be wrong, cos otherwise in the rear cabins you would just always have to leave portholes open in light winds and then some possibly celtic type might unluckily (for you) wee over the side of the boat and into your cabin. There again with aircon you need the generator on so wouldn't get much sleep, Difficult, I know.

Timewise the trip can't start before 20th july and must be over by 10th August, all being well. So that allows perhaps two days prep time in france, and two days recovering and packing boat away a bit in canaries, and 7-8 days actual trip 1200ish miles plus any stopovers like perhaps Bayona which is nice, and maybe Lisbon, which is quite broken though also nice enough.

The sort of person I am looking for is a cross between parahandy, ljs and pwc. Hm, that sounds awful. So, instead of that mongrelish being, you yourself might be a better bet. You have to be nice person though, probably have been met by me (or live near lundun so we can meet) and be happy and young or young at heart and not dull. So, if you find people mutering oh jeez it's him/her and turning the lights off just as you get to their boat well, you might not be right for us.

Hopefully you will have a good bit of seagoing experience and/or perhaps plenty of youthful gungho devil-may-care for when it's windy and quite big waves. But not much big waves cos july august is recommended easy peasy time for this trip, by the way.

I'm the skipper but that doesn't mean i will be awful and decide daft things despite or regardless of all three crew being ill or scaredy or very wise for examploe, like if they're suggesting some sort of fix since they somehow happen to have designed the boat whilst working for the yard i'd say yeah ok, or if you know how to fix things like the engines because you are directly related to Mr Yanmar we'd be all ears too. Either way, I will make sure that if you know special useful stuff then you will be right there at the right time. Even if it's just with your well-timed witty or cynical remark, which as LJS pointed out is actually his personal forte on sailing boats and was indeeed the very reason he was selected for the transat as unobtrusive yet fabulously successful "crew glue".

Otherwise tho, you don't have to know too much sailing, and it'll be fine cos bear in mind loads of dolts sail boats with no problem. If you do know loads of sailing well, you aren't allowed to make the rest of us look too rubbish, and espcially not drone on about that time you were in the southern ocean. You can refer to your previous experiences like the way pwc mentioned his transat though, and hehe suggested we alter the clocks whilst it was my watch but oops -he forgot that it made my watch shorter in this direction, not longer like his previous trip. Doh!

So pm me if you can volunteer. For clarity, crew pay their own airfares and share of food, but I pay
marina fees and boatfixing and diesel.

Oh, and in terms of crew numbers it seems that four works nicely. I sppose three would be ok or perhaps even two. Or come to that i suppose i could gettit there meself for crissakes. But obviously better with crew. And it should be more fun. There again i wrote this all on my own so, er well, whatever.

And finally weatherwise ... well, the Poach'Gull prevailies are from the North innit at that (and this) time of year. So poor ole bignick frinstance is bashing into the swell and wind northwards, *and* he has no aircon and hence crew risk the (admittedly remote) possibility of having some scottish person wee thru their cabin window each morning. Whereas we'll be in likely grand sunny downwind and down-swell cocktail-making wafting sunbathy luxury with spare hull and no heeling coming the other way southbound at 14 knots if it's nicely windy or still about 10 knots if we thrash the engines to 2500 or 7 knots at 2000rpm. Cooee Nick! Oh dear, i hope i haven't hijacked his crew again, ahem...


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29 Apr 2003
Near a marina, sailing club and pub
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No problemo, I am planning to in Brittany by early July so should not be at risk of hitting you going in the opposite direction.

Anyway, it was pretty flat calm on the first bit up to Lisbon - just got fingers crossed for week after next.

You could always come with me to see what it's like - no Scots on board to wee into your cabin. I even provide the food and booze on board.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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urgh, but the weather is cack here though, the marina prices high etc etc. Also got no heating cept for reversing aircon. Anyway it is a bit biggish to clatter around the uk, 50 foot mono the limit.


Well-known member
19 Nov 2003
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Is the GPS bust in this fabbo craft of your'n then? or juss maybe you cant work out how to erase the track on the GPS? seems to me you are ploughing a rut back and forth cross the Atlantic, and then advertising for Crew too for less than uk minimum wage,whilst possessing all capabilities as well as ships entertainer.
I bet you just bought the Cunard rights to cross atlantic cat cruises, and are setting up for making a few bob on the side, not to mention avoiding sharp intake of breath uk marina prices, by landing in welcoming french secondary port, also getting boat fixed by maker every return trip. save a few quid on the busted bits, worth taking out the extra warranty.

Now that Stingo Trans Continental is nearly operational, are you just stealing a march by getting to market first?

canny bloke you are.


30 Jan 2004
Worcester, U.K.
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Would love to but you'd need to make it two weeks earlier or two weeks later. I have an appointment with my Privilege during your trip.

btw.. Spent a few very pleasent hours with Mr + Mrs Fatipa out in Antigua recently.


Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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I'm a Celtic type, so can wee overboard and through windows? No good at fishing though, and equally no good at card or fun games, and very boring.

I can talk about computers for hours when things get a bit quiet though

Do I qualify?
Oh, rough bits don't worry me, you can all go to bed while I helm through the rare rough bits. Though I might need to wee once in a while, so keeps the windows closed.


Active member
6 Aug 2001
Wherever there are boats
Fancy a trip anyone? No sooner have we landed than the boat is off again on another transatlantic whirl. Depending on whhere the boat is,we start from sabls d'onne, or forty miles southin la rochelle and take it to canaries.

[/ QUOTE ]

Further to your kind offer, I find that I am challenged on all 'qualifying criteria' ; not least of which as a 'c-sickness' sufferer I will not take it up the arse. Nevertheless I am prepared (nee desperate) to be last reserve in the unlikely case of better ship-mates being available.

ergggghhh.... page bump


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Are you serious? n any event you had better consult with your swmbo as I understand that on a recent dazed kipper course which you both attended she was the one classed as "a natural". Also note that this time i will not be planning to stop at a nearby marina just after setting off cos you got a bit lashed and stayed on board the nite before and don't have a passport on you, ahem.