Well-known member
It's a pretty basic point in structures.Why would sheer be even considered ??
The reason for core is to avoid the weight penalty of solid GRP ... to use two thin layers of GRP held apart by a core of light material. It is the same principle as the metal I beam ..... two bearers separated by vertical
If you take a thin bit of wood you can bend it
IF you take two thin bits of wood and put them together, it's twice as stiff if the two layers can slide over each other.
Bond them together with good shear strength, it's 8 times as stiff as the single bit of wood.
Foam cores will usually fail where they are bonded to the FRP, because that's where the stress is highest in the foam.
If the web of your I beam had no shear strength, the beam would reduce to two thin plates which would bend under their own weight.