Coppercoat after 10 years and 12,000 miles


7 Jun 2024
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Just puled my boat after 1.5 years spent afloat, and 10 years after applying coppercoat.

Very impressed, basic hi-pressure wash cleared the slime, no barnacles after spending the last 1.5 years in carib/usa/newfoundland and Scotland, so big mixture of water temps and salinity.

I burnish it each pull out with scotch pad and thats it!

Coppercoat gets alot of negative reviews so this may go someway to balancing things out.

I have tried inserting a picture or two of it in the slings, but not able to as new member? or am I missing something?


Well-known member
26 Jun 2013
Hopefully somewhere warm
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Great to hear, thanks for taking a moment to spread the good news. Welcome to the forums! 💐

New boys can't post pictures day I don't think.

I coppercoated a year ago & so far very happy, dive and wash regularly (little oil free compressor) so great having a clean bottom all the time.

The negative seems so often to come from paying others to apply it.

Frayed Knot

Well-known member
3 Nov 2011
Suffolk - Home and boat
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Doesn’t seem any rhyme or reason to it - I’m a neg, by the way.
I’ve been down both routes; first time “professionally” applied (woefully, even after remedial re application)
Next boat I did it myself & the finished job looked great but after three incredibly frustrating seasons, multiple lifts, pressure washes and re burnishings I antifouled over it and started to enjoy sailing again.

Sea Change

Well-known member
13 Feb 2014
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Our CC was applied in 2008 before we bought the boat. It's still just about working, but the waterline area really struggles with Caribbean conditions. Boat now out of the water ready for reapplication.

I presume the differing experiences come partly down to usage and expectation. We only haul out every few years and we are in warm waters where manually scrubbing the hull every few weeks isn't that unpleasant. So for us I don't think any form of ablative AF would work.

If we always lifted out for six months of the year, I imagine CC would take a long time to pay for itself.


Active member
6 Oct 2020
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I've done my second boat now last one 12 years, I don't expect miracle's and I don't have to paint. Just put her on the beach, on legs, pressure wash couple of times a season, now do it on neaps last hour before low water 1 hour washing the rest in the pub.


Well-known member
30 Jul 2018
Hamble, UK
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I spoke to Paul at Symblast with a view to doing mine next season after several copper bottomed friends took the mick with my black spattered look last week.

He quoted £5.5k for a 38' AWB to strip and copper coat. For longevity, he said his current job was a repeat customer they last did 17 years ago.


Well-known member
13 Sep 2008
Far away from hooray henrys
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The antifoul job done on my 38 .. sand / strip back to bare hull .. smooth and refill keel bolt access / rudder fastening areas etc. 2 coats of epoxy primer .. 2 coats of VC Copper Rich Hard racing ... red boot toping line to cover AF to hull topsides paint joint .. sand and paint in storm damage to bow and small area port side ... 1800 euros.

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The VC was as I thought their normal hard - but according to the tin and yard - its a very close 'cousin' to Coppercoat as it has a very high copper content. Yard reckons over next years to just 'polish' each lift and then later recoat ..

Just mentioning ...