Hi as anyone tried to convert a spinnaker sail to para sail by adding a slot and wing if so, what dimensions did you use? and was it a success? I want to convert mine so I can handle it single handed. many thanks John
I made up an atn tacker for use when im singlehanded
I had an interesting discussion with somebody who has one. They used one a Lagoon crossing the pond. I am sceptical of the benefit of them over a cruising chute, especially on a cat where you have a wide deck where in my experience an asymmetric spinnaker works very well.Suggest you look at the various links here
and you will see that (as already suggested) a parasailor is not a modified conventional spinnaker but a completely different design that the originators spent many years perfecting and patenting. Few other sailmakers have even tried to "copy" it simply because it is very expensive and the market is inevitably very small. That is not to say it is not suitable for your requirements, but the only feasible way is to have one made for your boat. Alternatively many single and short handed sailors have found a cruising chute, particularly if set on a furler is the best value offwind sail unless they intend doing a lot of dead downwind sailing when the cost of a parasailor might be justified.
explains it all