- Beware


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21 Aug 2001
Northland New Zealand
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Re: You could try AllGadgets...

You are right , its fora but I went with common usage. I agree, one never knows the quality of advice on a forum, in the end we have to make our own decisions.
I understand your concerns re commercialisation but feel it is a job for the moderator to decide. It would be a shame for forum members to miss out on genuine bargains because the rules were too rigid. I dont know anything about the alleged spamming.



Well-known member
16 May 2001
UK East Coast
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One of my more controversial suggestions, then...

I never imagined that my suggestion to try AllGadgets would result in so much vented anger. Thankfully, most of the responses have been sensible. We're all exposed to irresponsible advertising, and at the end of the day we just have to make an assessment of the various claims being made.

I've never bought anything from AllGadgets, but their website is straightforward and seemingly honest, and their prices (albeit on a fairly restricted range of goods) are reasonable. They're quite open about being a tiny company, and in my experience this usually means that customer service is better. John Church has been around for some time, and knows the industry quite well. I know he's also well aware that marine mail-order businesses can unravel quite quickly, so he'll probably be even more eager to satisfy his customers.


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14 Feb 2002
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Re: You could try AllGadgets...


As you don't want to agree to differ, I suppose we'll have to disagree and differ!


Joe Cole


Re: One of my more controversial suggestions, then...

No vented anger as such, just a genuine dislike of abuse of this type of forum and what it is likely to lead to.

You obviously know these people and are giving a personal recommendation, no problem there, recommendation is one of the best forms of expanding business. I don't have a particular problem with this company, just their method of using these facilites for free advertising. If they can't survive without spamming then they won't survive. I'm vocal in my opposition, many will just complain to the ISP. Presumably no website no business.

If the product and service is so good the business will do well without spamming.




Re: You could try AllGadgets...

Where do you draw the line with people offering genuine bargains? The logical place would be an online auction of which there are plenty. Perhaps someone should start up a specific forum, something like pnly along the e-bay model. This would leave this sort of forum free advertising.

A snip from the forum rules.

unwanted or offensive content which include without limitation misleading offers that do not list the total purchase price of products, advertisements listed in the incorrect category, personals or any sub-category of personals, duplicate listings that contain more than [60%] of the same characters, regardless of category, U.R.L. (Universal Resource Locator) or hyperlinks within an advertisement or image, the sale or distribution of firearms, weapons or controlled substances, make-money fast schemes, pyramid or chain letters, fraudulent or criminal offers including but not limited to registering another email address other than your own, any posting with the goal of harassment of another, sexual requests from or for a minor, racial slurs or comments, harassment, placing a fraudulent ad, unsolicited advertising or unsolicited email (whether commercial or informational);

The question is, does asking a question about a marine product amount to soliciting a commercial advert? Maybe a difficult call but if you allow one company to do it then you must allow all companies the same privilege.

My last post on the subject, time to move on.




Well-known member
16 May 2001
UK East Coast
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It\'s certainly not a personal recommendation...

I wouldn't know John Church if I bumped into him in the street, and I think I mentioned that I'd never bought anything from his website.

You just get a feeling for people and companies, based on what they're prepared to reveal to the world.

For example, he's quite open about his address, phone number and e-mail address - info which is conspicuously missing from the website you mention at the end of your posts. In fact, I'm not sure you really understand about communications, because your website is promoting some boarding steps which your father made, but there's absolutely no way of responding to you. Just a wild guess, but I bet you haven't had any enquiries!


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14 Feb 2002
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Re: One of my more controversial suggestions, then...

Actually I don't know them.

I did, however, raise a query on the forum to which they responded. It wasn't pushy or inappropriate, but it was helpful and I chose to take them up on it. All I know about them is that I can't fault what they did, and their service was excellent.

I'll leave it at that.


Joe Cole


Re: It\'s certainly not a personal recommendation...

My site is 100% non commercial. PLEASE don't try and tell me you thought the crack about the steps was serious! My father over 70, a retired solicitor and tinkers with wood as a hobby. The last thing he needs is a bunch of yotties with no sense of humour pestering him for boarding steps!

I can be contacted through the guest book but it's not really necessary. On the other hand, if a commercial website didn't give an address, phone number and e-mail address there wouldn't be much point would there???




New member
14 Feb 2002
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Re: It\'s certainly not a personal recommendation...

I'm sorry to put it this way but I've just looked up your website and I didn't see the humour in the comment about the steps.

Perhaps you are also one of the yotties without a sense of humour.....or is it me?


Joe Cole


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29 May 2002
Preston, Lancs
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I ordered some stuff a few days ago and because it was my second order recently I had already received a Skipper knife. I e-mailed Compass to ask if they would be prepared to substitute one of the very useful multi-tools advertised in their catalogue on the same page (and at the same retail value of £7.95). I received a very prompt (but curt) reply from Compass saying No, but giving no reason. In view of the fact that I have given them orders to the value of around £500 recently I thought this was a bit off. This second order was received within the week with a free knife!
In fairness however the items that I had ordered were all received without delay.