Clarity for tier 4 boaters in England.


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6 Nov 2001
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If I brave the outside world and travel to my boat to check it out I am going to go in my hermetically sealed motorcar. I wonder if the inventors realised that they had produced something that so beneficially stops the escape of covid from its driver? When I step out into the deserted and wind swept boat yard I’ll put my mask on to protect all the people that are not there. If perchance I slide out into the channel for an hours exercise (fishing) I’ll keep my mask on in case I catch anything and in case I pass covid onto a cod.
All tongue in cheek. I wish the authorities luck in pumping vaccine into arms so that our frustration at dumbly made rules can subside and be forgotten until China blights our lives yet again.
Ps anyone know how to avoid Chinese goods on ebay? I ordered what appear to be British supplied Chrimbo goods that have suspicious squiggle/glyphs on the invoice when it arrived three weeks too late.

With you all the way but.............................
supposing you have an accident of the way or break down and heaven forfend need to call out the RNLI, its not just them breathing your germs, the lifeboat crew will have to travel to the station and be in a little confimed box for an hour or two and what happens if , hurrying to the lifeboat they have an accident , etc etc
Needs thinking about it not just us .

As for Ebay if its got a 3/4 week delivery .....its in China.


5 Oct 2020
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Risk assessment is the name of the game and that is touched on in my text (with a dose of sarcasm admittedly). Believe it or not people are still flying, using the London underground, dare I say it, going to doctors surgeries. You cant stop everything just in case something happens. You would be doing nothing. You might get overweight and die of a heart attack after all. It is all risk assessment.
Happy new year from my lounge.
Hope that Christmas tree of mine doesn’t catch fire. Dont want to infect the firemen. Tee hee.


Active member
22 Oct 2016
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As for Ebay if its got a 3/4 week delivery .....its in China.

Look out for where the location is Leicester, the Chinese keep stock there to get it out to you quicker and the other thing to check is the business sellers address at bottom of the listing and the shop styles are easy to spot.