Cancel Belgian pleasure Craft form


Well-known member
29 Sep 2009
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Assuming that you are talking about entering the Schengen in Belgium then the Controlformulier Schengen Plezierhavens Belgie form is available from the Politie (Border Police) and as I discovered can be filled in when you arrive /depart .It is a printed single page form which comes with two carbon copies attached,and is basically the old way of logging in.As said I was given it by the amiable officers in Nieuwpoort at their Vlamsee marina office (not constantly occupied but providing telephone contact with the Ostende office via intercom) but presumably any of the other entry ports will dish it out on request.I see the point that these days filing and retrieving paper documents for the numbers involved is no longer practical and officers did not want to retain the completed form I provided on departing.The stamp on your passport is the crucial thing.
Not being on the computer when you arrive is not though the crime that I thought it was.As suggested by others the Politie appear to be very positive about the whole thing but hopeful in anticipation of the new EU system arriving ? late this year.
I had to smile when an American skipper also waiting for the politie asked me ' there some form ......... ? ' Afraid I responded - please don't ask me about the form .


  • Belgianpaperentryform.pdf
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Well-known member
29 Sep 2009
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Solved for me really by Dolabriform !
When filling in the online form - 'Persons on Board' section on my android tablet in portrait mode the CLOSE button does not appear at the bottom of the page .Turn the tablet to landscape and it does ,allowing you to use it and return to the main last page and submit .
Embarassed though to say that a faint X is there in either case at the extreme top right of the form.
These are important features because using the tablet's return button or the browser return will wipe the whole form and all your entries.