Ha bloody ha! Very clever actually, never seen the show, but hear its great!
But yes, downsizing, seen a very nice vagabond 47, in fact a few of them, only two I've found this side of the pond, but who cares. Actually seen the boat of my dreams, on Vancouver island BC, a schooner rigged vagabond, custom built in mahogony strip planking, magnificent and if I'd already sodl Englander I would be flying over to look at it now. It happens to be in the place I want to go anyway!
Can$ is about 2.34 to the GBP today which aint bad. It has been as good as $2.45 in Aug 04 but dipped to $2.20 a few weeks ago. Its a subject dear to my heart as when I finally sell my place in the UK and transfer the equity to Canada those 10-20 cents can make a lot of difference!