Calling all Bristol Channel forumites.....


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27 Nov 2001
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....and those further afield, if interested. Over the weekend of 13/15 June, Portishead Cruising Club is holding it's annual Docks Rally at Portishead marina. Great deal from Crest gives you Fri and Sat night berthing for £15 total. PCC provides marquee, real ale and other necessary fluids, breakfast, hot meals, barbecue, band, disco and singsong, silly games, competitions, raffles etc. We had a great time last year and hope to have many more visiting boats this time.
Although primarily a sailing club, we have several power boat members, and welcome all and sundry (particularly sundry!)
Having been entertained, educated and infuriated by all posters on these forums, would really like to meet some of you, so...try and make it.

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16 May 2001
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My boat is in Cardiff(CBYC)but I am working unfortunately.The last Portishead Docks Rally I attended was the last one before the dock was turned into a marina.

Everyone had to lock out at about 0530 in pouring rain(Last lock until the marina was completed) and a SW 6 to tack home through.

A large motorboat from Gloucester ,I think,started tooting her horn at 0500 to make sure everyone was up.I dont know what the occupiers of the marina houses would make of it now!

You have met at least one forumite as I spoke to you briefly waiting in the Cumberland Basin once.My boat is a 22 foot Anderson drop keel sloop Dark blue hull. Named "Vega"

Due to working on a rota my sailing tends to be midweek more than weekends unfortunately.Are you going to the Bristol Regatta this year?I am hoping to so will say hello if we see you.

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27 Nov 2001
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Hi Graham,

Sorry you can't make it but will definitely see you at Bristol Regatta in Aug. I have only owned Wai-Tapu for 18 months, so unless it was at last year's regatta (and I'm afraid I don't recall Vega) you must have spoken to the previous owner.

Cardiff Bay is a tremendous destination for a weekend sail, but so far I've only visited your fellow (rival?) club across the other side. Do you have visitor moorngs at CBYC?

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Well-known member
16 May 2001
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I dont think there are visitors berths as such.But if you come alongside an empty bit of pontoon then ask someone for advise.

If my memory serves me Wai Tapu was a Cardiff YC boat previously,probably why she keeps going back there!

I dont think the two clubs are Rivals as such.CBYC is larger than CYC and has a better pontoon system.

I dont know if it was built last time you visited but there is now a public pontoon right up by the town.Your not supposed to stay overnight but I dont think anyone worries too much and from there you are close by lots of pubs restraunts etc .

Theres also good grub available at CBYC .

Hopefully We will bump into you at Bristol or somewhere .Best Regards Graham

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