C Map Furuno card PC Plotter


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18 Jun 2003
w.london - boat on solent- RIB on Tidal Thames
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I do not know how many people here use Furuno and C Map NT with PC plotter.

However, after seeing this bit of kit demonstated by DERF who used to use it on Raymarine before he switched to Furuno (C map exchanged the hard/software foc), I purchased the box of tricks at LIBS.

The supplier sold me the wrong format - thats another story but C Map changed this very speedly (next day delv) following a call to them.

After using the planner on my PC I noticed a couple of small software issues that makes certain functions irratating or corrupts the Furuno display. DERF had this corruption when he up loaded to his boat display.

For example the fununo system takes up to 6 places for waypoints marks etc - the pc plotter can accept much larger names - this corrupts the boat display.

I found that if you make/name waypoints and then link these to a route the route adopts the waypoint and changes its status. This is annoying if you use certain waypoints for a number of different routes, and causes the waypoint not to be shown unless the particular route is displayed. another issue is that if you print a chart off, there is no scale which is a bit annoying too. etc etc

The up shot is that I spent time with both Fururo and C Map at LIBS and we were able to see the issues 'live' with the right people around - seldom happens...
C Map had already got some of the software improvements in hand and will attended to the bits that have now been demonstated to them.

A updated version of the CD for PC Planner is expected mid feb and will foc. There is better use of drop downs for example and more choices of what to do.

Has anyone else here had experience with this stuff?
I must say I really like the idea of passage planning and mucking about with charts/electronic charts at home where there is much more room of chartwork etc.than simply up loading the data onto the boat system. Down loading tracks etc to your pc is quite handy too I guess.

Whilst at the show I also got hold of the Map Tech charts which work on my Navman PiN - these albeit are not vector charts but electronic images of the Taunton paper charts. The results are super esp as a independant cheapish hand held GPS/Plotter backup that also serves as a PDA, Road guidance unit too.

Gosh - this techy stuff is good these days


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7 Jan 2005
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I looked at simular plotters at LIBS but found the charts were going to cost more than the plotter to cover all my cruising grounds.

Sorry not managed to read all your post I 've printed a copy to read latter, I only get an hour for lunch .