Building the Ultrasonic Antifouling Kit from Jaycar


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23 Dec 2013
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Yes, I had been wondering whether that might be a good idea. The solder I am using must be about 20 years old at a guess... I should have used the solder that Jaycar includes in the kit, but didn't notice it until I had finished. I will replace the solder tomorrow before permanent installation.

Having checked out the principle, I decided to order one of the Jaycar kits where the transformer is pre-wound and the transducer already potted.
Ordered on the 11/12
Dispatched - 12/12 by UPS Express
Delivered - 16/12

Cost - £90.50 plus postage/packing of £10
Email received on 13/12 to pay customs £25 through UPS and done on line.
Total cost £125.50

Excellent service especially when there was a weekend in between.

Many years since I have assembled printed circuits. All done in about two hours.
I initially identified all components and stuck a piece of sticky paper to each to identify it. Then did the assembly/soldering.

Initial test and adjustment was no problem. Then tested with the transducer, IC2 and fuse connected. Again all OK.
I have hearing aids and I could even pick up the high frequency whistles when close to the transducer.
Not bad for an oldie in mid 70's!!!

Now to fix it in my Bayliner 245 based in Ipswich which has just been 'coppercoated'.


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2 Feb 2005
Eastern Med
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Jaycar USAF Doesnt work for me !

2 Jaycar USAF units fitted last April (2013). Boat in the water since then and USAF never switched off.
Last summer I snorkled under and scraped off some light growth but all looked reasonably promissing.
The boat was left in the water over winter in a marina berth in Greece and I just got back from my fitting out visit.
The hull, rudder and prop were covered in a dense covering of small barnacles.
To be fair this all came off fairly easily with a scraper and of course I dont know how bad it would have been without the USAF but for me the project was a failure.

Id be really interested in any other feedback from owners who have installed the system

Anyone want to buy two used USAF units - only 18 months old (1 careful owner) ?


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4 Jan 2011
Germany / Greece
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I dont know how bad it would have been without the USAF but for me the project was a failure.
Id be really interested in any other feedback from owners who have installed the system

This is my observation too...
3 units correctly mounted on a 24ft motor boat, Greece.
They alone cannot prevent building growth up, but situation is much more better, as it has been befor.


22 Apr 2002
Bald Knob, Queensland, Australia
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My boat is a Boomaroo 25, which is an Aussie built swing keel Catalina 25. I bought it in February 2012 and the boatyard that moved it by road cleaned the hull, keel and prop before putting on two coats of Wattyl Seapro Cu120 anti-foul. Within 6 weeks of launching and mooring fore and aft in a creek, there were barnacles on the prop, shaft and skeg. From then on I scraped the prop every two weeks and it got worse and worse with barnies on top of barnies.
Last year the boat was out of the water for 5 months for a refit. I had the hull sandblasted, the prop was cleaned down to the bronze with flapwheels. The prop then had two coats of International Interprotect. I put two coats of Wattyl Seapro undercoat and two coats of Wattyl Seapro Cu120 anti-foul on hull, keel and prop.
I fitted the Jaycar kit with the transducer as close to the stern gear as possible. In addition to the 12 Watt solar panel on an arch at the stern, I added a 40 Watt panel on the coach roof to keep the house battery topped up. I have a dual battery controller with an 80/20 split between house and starter batteries and a meter to monitor. This has ensured that the USAF has been working all the time the boat is on the mooring - I switch it off when sailing.
The boat has been in the water for six months now and there are NO barnacles on the prop or anywhere else! There is a green line round the boot top but this rubs off with a sponge.
I have talked to all the owners around me and they all say they have the barnacle problem and it's no better or worse over the past two years.
So it seems to be working for me and seems to be a fair test as I have reduced the variables - same anti-foul, boat in same place, boat always moored with bows facing north.


Well-known member
15 Mar 2005
East Sussex.
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An interesting spread of results so far, ranging from brilliant to useless!

I am currently on my boat in Turkey. Since launch in April 2013 the hull has remained fairly clean, with a little green slime and very fine weed that easily scrubs off, but does not seem to affect performance, and very few barnacles (I found just four near the waterline on a swim round the boat, there may be others deeper down). The acoustically isolated and thus unprotected bow thruster prop was covered in chalky concretion which had to be scraped off, and there is little or none of that elsewhere.

As an aside I cannot see how the Max Prop propeller is faring, but motoring speed is undiminished, so it looks as if the coat of lanolin grease that I melted on to it before launch has been a success.


Well-known member
2 Feb 2005
Eastern Med
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Norman (anyone)
Is there a way of verifying that the units are working ie that there is an ultrasonic pulse comming out of the transducers ?
On mine the lights are on but Im not convinced that anyone is at home.
Before passing final judgement on my installation Id like to verifiy that they are at least trying.


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11 Jun 2014
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Looking at these forums and doing some reading into acoustically killing barnacles and organisms it looked promising so i decided to give these units a try. In the last 2 weeks I have received, built and installed 2 of the Jaycar anti-fouling units on my 14m yacht.I had no problem with the build and the install was a bit tricky through the bulkheads but all was installed ok. At some point I pressed on the potted transducer output face, it seemed to have a black sticker on the face and I reasoned that a layer of paper would provide an acoustic barrier to the sound waves so I removed it. Underneath i was expecting to see a few small 1mm thick plastic spaces as per the article and instructions as these potted transducers were produced by Jaycar, there were no plastic bits evident and when i pressed on the black face it gave way indicating the transducer was a long way under the rubber face. Poking an electrical screwdriver in it indicted that the face was 10mm under the rubber surface which would have effectively damped the ultrasonics needed to implode the organisms. I have received 2 replacement ultrasonic units today after raising the issue with Jaycar. This issue may affect some others so you may need to check your potted transducer if it was pre-build.


10 Oct 2007
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Another performance report - after two years some barnacles appeared at the waterline near the bow - six months previously a diver reported no barnacles, just slime which was easily removed. On slipping the boat, the hull and keel was relatively clear (except for the waterline near the bow - well away from the transducer), however the rudder was well covered in barnacles, as was the sail drive and particularly the rubber gasket witch is glued to the hull around the sail drive aperture. So presumably the mechanical isolation of the rudder and sail drive, and of the rubber gasket, reduct the effectiveness.

If the unit increased the time between haulouts from 12 months (which is what I needed previously) to 18 months (when it was still in good order) then the unit has already paid for itself. I am contemplating fitting additional transducers to the sail drive and rudder, but am at a loss to know how to deal with the gasket. But it is probably unwise to increase the haul out interval beyond 2 years anyway, given the need to replace prop anodes, and service the sail drive.

Boat is 34 foot with SD20 sail drive and fin keel and rudder (Hanse 342)


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17 Jul 2003
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"acoustically killing barnacles and organisms " All the info that I have read says it does not kill them, but vibrates the interface between the hull and the water at a frequency that it discourages the blighters from forming attachment. I stand to be corrected.


Well-known member
28 Dec 2001
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What is the verdict on these units now having had a good period of testing?...... do they work and are they worth fitting?